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Not very far away from them was Protector, who was running, using her phone as her guide to lead her where Gabriel was.

Ladybug and Chat Noir ran after her, using their yoyo and baton to help them run faster.

Ladybug threw her yoyo at Protector, trying to wrap the yoyo around her. The yoyo wrapped around one of Protector's leg, making her trip. Chat Noir tried to grab her phone, but she acted quickly, standing up and blocking any other attacks with the phone.

The akuma has got to be on that phone! Ladybug glared. She raced towards Protector again, and soon they both got into a fight.

"I thought you were protectors of Paris! Aren't I doing a good job by trying to protect Adrien?!" Protector snickered. "Which means you two actually don't care about Adrien!"

Protector pointed a finger at Ladybug. "I can't believe you don't want me to protect him! Don't you have a crush on him, Ladybug?!"

Ladybug and Chat Noir gasped. Ladybug gulped, gripping on her yoyo, wondering how she knew. Chat Noir was looking all shocked. Suddenly he understood.

Ladybug had fallen out of love with him because she loved the other  side of him.

But if Ladybug was really Marinette, then why would she agree to date him as Chat Noir?! So then the two of them weren't the same?

"I... I... How...?" Ladybug couldn't find her words. Now Chat Noir knew. She never wanted him to find out who she liked, but now Protector had said it out in the open!

"Me?" Protector smirked. "I know everything about you two! Including your secret identities. I know about your personal lives, where you go to school, your family members. I know them all! And I'm not the only one!"

Then Ladybug suddenly got it. "You! You've been the one sending me those messages! It's been you, hasn't it?!"

"Oh, I wish I could say it was me," Protector chuckled. "But like I said, I'm not the only one who knows. There's about four of us! The one who's been sending you those messages is a person that's very close to you. You see her everyday. You talk to her everyday. You sit right next to her-"

Alya! Ladybug's eyed widened. Alya has known my secret identity and she didn't tell me she knew! She's been trying to get me and Chat together, but she knows I had a crush on Adrien!

Well she got what she wanted. Me and Chat are dating now, I bet she's happy now!

"You have finally figured it our, haven't you?!" Protector laughed. "I can't believe you were stupid not to know it was her! I can't believe you don't even know Chat's identity. Haha! You make me laugh and mad at the same time!"

And then off she was again. Protector had her phone in her hand, she was looking at it and then looking up. Chat Noir followed, but Ladybug didn't move. She felt weak all over.

How long has Alya known? She probably didn't tell me because she was disappointed that it was me, right? If she knows my real identity, then does she also knows Chat's?

"Ladybug!" Chat Noir yelled. "We have to stop her. She's heading straight to my- Adrien's mansion!"

Ladybug didn't listen. Chat Noir... Does he know as well? Is that the reason why he confessed and started dating me as Marinette? Because I was Ladybug, is that why? So, no one has been telling me these things! How long do they plan to keep it a secret?

"Ladybug!" Chat Noir grabbed her arm. "Look, I know you're still trying to process everything, but we have to-"

"You knew as well, didn't you?!"

Chat Noir stopped, letting go of her arm. "Knew what?"

"You knew my secret identity, didn't you?!" Ladybug yelled. "What if- what if you've been working together with Alya?! You love me, so you and Alya worked together to find my identity, and then you-"

"Ladybug, I don't know if you've heard, but I already got a girlfriend," Chat caught her off. "I confessed to you and you said no. I can't keep crushing on you while knowing the fact that you love someone else."

"Yeah, but-"

"And not working together with Alya!" Chat Noir continued. "Why would I do that?! Why would I go behind your back to find your secret?!"

Ladybug bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry I wronged you, Chat. It's just... I have been trying to find out who has known my secret, and I just found out that it was Alya."

"Wait," Chat Noir stopped her. "Protector said that your best friend was the one who knew your secret. Alya... Is your best friend? But isn't Alya Marinette's best friend?"

Ladybugs eyed widened again. Chat Noir was onto her now. "Don't think about it, Chat! Alya... She became my best friend when I realized about the Ladyblog. She's also Marinette's best friend."

"So, you two share best friends now?" Chat didn't look too convinced.

"We three are best friends. Me, Marinette and Alya. Hasn't Marinette told you that?" Ladybug cleared her throat. She'd been lying for a long time now that lying sounded and was so easy to do.

"Oh..." Chat looked away. "We should be going now. Lets not forget about Protector!"

Ladybug nodded and started following Chat to where he had said Protector was. Just like Chat said, Protector was inside Adrien's mansion. She was scattering everything inside the mansion, yelling for Gabriel.

"My Phone led me here, saying that this was where Gabriel was!" She groaned. "My Phone is never wrong. If this is where Gabriel is, then it is so!"

Ladybug and Chat Noir got in front of her. She wrapped her yoyo around Protector's arm, but the villain quickly got out of it.

"Hehe!" Protector got her phone in front of her, pointing it at Ladybug and Chat Noir. A sudden light came out of it, blinding them.

"ARGH!" Ladybug covered her eyes. Once she was sure the light was gone, she uncovered her eyes, only to see that Protector wasn't there anymore.

"She's in my- Gabriel's room!" Chat Noir yelled, clearing his throat at his almost mistake. Ladybug and him ran inside.

Protector glared at them. "Just give up already! You aren't going to stop me! I must, and I will protect Adrien. And I will finish Gabriel off!"

"Don't you think he kinda deserves a second chance?" Chat Noir looked down. "I mean... I know he's horrible, but he can change. He's human too. He can be able to change and fix his mistakes as long as he's breathing."

"Protector, get out of that room! I know you're looking for Gabriel, but you are not allowed to step inside the Agreste Mansion!"

"Why?! You gave me the power to get revenge. Are you regretting it now?!"

"I... Fine! Try to get your revenge, but also try to get those miraculous!"

Protector looked back at the heroes in from of her. "You think Gabriel deserves another chance?! Look how he treats yo- Adrien!"

"Let's finish this once and for all!" Ladybug glared, swinging her yoyo around. She wanted to finish this villain and go to her bakery to think about stuff.

Like, how Nathalie sometimes didn't finish her sentence, as if she was hiding something. Did it have something to do with Chat's identity?

And she also wanted to talk to Alya. She wanted to ask so many questions, and she couldn't wait.

"That's not going to be very easy!" Protector laughed. "None of you will stop me from doing what I want to do!"

"We'll see about that, Protector!"

𝒮𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉 𝐼𝒹𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈 (U̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ E̶d̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶)Where stories live. Discover now