Who are you?

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When I join them there is awkward atmosphere around us and Joy asked me "who are you?" I really don't want to answer but here it goes... "seven years ago my parents and me, as a 12 year old kid are going to SM entertainment for me to audition, because I really want to become an idol after Girls Generation, sunbaenims inspire me to become one, my parents are known worldwide because they are super rich and really kind to other people they give other people a job and everything but when it comes to me and my brother they are willing to leave their businesses just to spend time with us and the time SM, JYP and YG sense that my parents is a threat for their businesses because my parents have various of companies worldwide and it includes food, clothing and everything else except music, the 3 CEOs knew that my parents are willing to invest to their companies, to try a business from music industry and they planned something bad to them, as I'm going to the room that I'm asked to go for my audition, I heard SM is talking someone in the phone and informing JYP that we are there and asked if YG's men are ready to ambush us but I ignored it because I'm not sure of what i've heard that time, the time I finished my audition, I got accepted because they can see me as an idol and I already know you Ms. Kang because when I auditioned they say that we are compatible to have a 3-member group you, me and Irene unnie, we supposed to be debut after that, but I'm sorry you need to train for another 4 years and to you too, Irene unnie, but you are lucky to meet them right?" I asked them while referring to Wendy, Joy and Yeri but they just nod and asked me to continue and they can feel that I am going to cry so they comforted me as I continue what happened.

"After that, we decided to go home and fetch my younger brother, who is only 6 years old his name is Wonwoo, to celebrate, but suddenly there are 3 cars that ambushed us and there are 6 men from the 2 cars who killed my mother and father they shot them in different parts of their body and in one car the 3 CEOs came out and JYP said 'you think that you are going to get us huh?' and YG shouted that 'even if you're rich we don't care, we are going to kill who are bringing us down' I heard all of that and SM noticed me and they looked shocked and luckily my driver gain his conciousness again and drove me home fast and my driver said to me that my life is in danger now and I can't do anything but my father's secretary is there to get the files and we started to pack our things, I decided to left the country with my father's secretary who is my stepmother now because she treated me like her own child but I need Wonwoo to stay here in Korea because if they will know that I have a brother they will kill him too, so I decided to left him there in Busan with my uncle and after that I entered a school in Canada and I learned many things how to manage my parents businesses at the age of 12, I learned how to cooperate with my employees and how to manage them and I became popular because of that, but they only know my age and my name because I'm using a mask and at the age of 17 I decided to become a true idol with a mask to keep my identity hidden  to have my safety from those people who are trying to kill me and I started a plan against the 3 CEOs. When I heard from my business partners here in Korea, that the 3 of them are willing to have a business partnership because they are losing their money because they keep on gambling and gambling, I know what they are doing because I have spies and when I heard that, I started to collect evidences for them to put in jail and I decided to buy their shares and as you can see I am your new CEO and to continue to bring them down and I know they can't harm me right now, because I have eyes everywhere and they don't have enough money to ask a person to kill me so I decided to reveal myself and to join you guys to help you. The person who killed my parents are already my employees, all I need to do now is to talk to them and help me to put those 3 persons to rot in jail, because I know they only do that because they are asked to even if they don't want to, but that doesn't mean they are not going to pay for their actions" I finished to tell my story and my plans.
There are heavy atmosphere around and Irene asked me "why won't you answer the reporters, if you are already holding them in their necks?" and I answered her "because I'm afraid that I will shade this group as red velvet if I'm going to say that I'm going to join a girl group that is owned by me but they don't need to know my personal businesses right? and I will have a press conference again to reveal who i really am and humiliate those 3, and put them in jail" and yeri asked me "is it true that you are our CEO?" "yes, Ms. Kim it is true, you don't want? I can just sell this company or abandon this company" I said jokingly "Yah! How come you keep on calling me Miss and you are calling Irene unnie an unnie? And please don't leave us i'm only asking" Yeri pouts and I find it cute and Wendy, Joy and Seulgi protest too about calling them miss, I only laughed and tell them that I'm going to call them unnie and they are really happy about it. I guess this is a new start right? I asked myself I really hope that I can do whatever things that are needed to be accomplished.