Last Seconds on Earth

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14 Votes? You guys are so amazing! We beat last chapter’s vote count. Again, a new record for this story! It exceeded my goal from last chapter! Thank you so much. I believe I owe you an update! The end is near. Please enjoy! :)

“What are we going to do, what are we going to do?” I yelled, somewhat hysterically. I was oviously panicking. This bomb is going to go off in five minutes-correction: four minutes and fiftyfive seconds. And we were locked in the room. To make it even worse, when this bomb goes off, the leaders of over one hundred and twenty countries will die too. And Joshua, Mr. E and Jacob will win.

“Well, yelling ‘what are we going to do, what are we going to do’ isn't helping!” Audrey snapped at me. She kept banging on the locked door, praying someone would hear us. The door only locks from the outside, so normally Audrey could pick the lock, but Joshua specially picked this room for that reason.

“Then how do we stop it?” I snapped back.

She gave me a look, “It'll only stop if it doesn't register the heat anymore. Which is impossible because we're stuck in here. The wires are over an inch thick so we can't just snip them. And we can't override the system because it is digitally set up from a whole different location and computer.”

“So let's just make our body temperature lower so the bomb doesn’t register it anymore.” I suggested.

Audrey looked at me in pure exasperation, “Let me know when you master shape-shifting and can change into a cold blooded animal. Then we can talk.”

“You don't need to be so sarcastic! I'm trying to help!”

“Yeah well you’re not being very helpful when you suggest idiotic ideas. I thought you did this before! Didn't Murray lock you with a bomb in Spy School?” Audrey pointed out.

“That was totally different! It was with a hastily put together bomb, not a multi-million dollar military machine! To stop that one, I whacked the clock and the countdown just stopped. Hey, why don't we try that with this one?” I advanced forward, ready to smack the bomb, but Audrey quickly intervened and grabbed my arm.

“How stupid can you be? Like you said, these cost millions of dollars to make. They're not going to be so stupid and let smacking it break it. If you hit it, it will just go off earlier!”

“Then let's not hit it,” I agreed.

“Ya think?” Audrey snarled.

I ignored her sarcasm and looked around the room. It was about the size of my room at home, so fairly large. It was full of towels, washcloths, soap and laundry machines. There were some boxes, too, that were mostly empty. An idea formed in my head.

“What if we hopped in a box and stuffed it with enough towel insulation that the bomb doesn't recognize our body heat?” I suggested.

Audrey looked at me with a sad smile and shook her head, “That's a good thought, but it won't work. You've never heard about these bombs have you? The temperature has to be below freezing temepture for them to stop. So no matter where we hide or anything, the bomb will still go off.”

We ran out of ideas fast. And the clock was still ticking down. Two minutes and fourty eight seconds. Two minutes and fourty seven seconds. We were just forced to watch the clock.

“Okay,” Audrey said suddenly, “It's time to stop playing hero. We have to find a way out of here and fast. Even if we are gone, the bomb is already triggered so it will still explode. Again, the temepture has to be below freezing so that's the only possible way to stop it. Even if we're not in the room it will go off. Lets move some of these boxes and try to find a vent or something to get out. Laundry machines normally need a way to release it's smoke right? We have to get out of here; screw the UN.”

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