Road Trip

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I know, long time no see. I kept having to rewrite this part because I wasn't sure how it should go but here it is. The end was going to be some long 6k something chapter so I split it into two parts. Second to last part of the story. Thank you for everyone who reviewed and voted for the past part. You know I love them!

Also, happy memorial day! Please thank members of the service that you know and remember all of the fallen. This chapter is dedicated to my grandpa, who served over forty years in the Navy and passed eariler this year. This is also deticated to my cousin’s husband, who went missing in action in Vietnam and was found dead two years ago. He was only 26 but he gave his life for the country. I thank everyone who served and serves.

On that note, please enjoy.

I was beyond exhausted. Once the adrenalin wore off, the gravity of the situation sunk in. I had saved the world leaders of over a hundred countries. I (sorta) defeated SPYDER. And I was tired.

Once Erica and Audrey finished having their little ‘moment’, we trudged our way through the maze of a basement and somehow found a door that led outside. It was a relief to see. Sunlight, real natural light, hitting my skin. After being underground so long, I was starting to feel like a mole.

We got out of there just in time. Just as we got to a parking lot, a motorcade of police officers, security, secret service from a hundred countries and news vans sped towards Rump Towers. Apparently, according to the buzz on the streets, a few bomb-sniffing dogs were just being escorted out of the building at around 10:45 (forty five minutes after the meeting started) and the dogs suddenly went crazy when they were near the entrance to the basement. Security checked it out and found the bomb Joshua planted in the freezing room that stopped the bomb.

During this, Erica stole a car from the parking lot. (she claims she is so sick and tried of all this chaos, she doesn't care that she's stealing a car. And honestly, at this point, I didn't care either.) We hopped in the car and turned the radio on to the local news to get more updates on the situation. We started to head towards a drive-through coffee shop, since, according to Audrey, we earned the right to some caffeine after ‘saving the world'.

The local news told us the bomb sniffing dogs and security found the bomb and could tell it was disabled by someone. After further investigation, they found a bunch of empty handcuffs, some cuffed to a pipe, deeper inside the basement. Secret service is scrambling to find whoever planted the bomb, whoever used to be in the handcuffs and even the people who dismantled the bomb.

This meant two things for us: Mr. E, Joshua and Jacob got away. Upon hearing the news, Erica swore loudly and Audrey kicked the dashboard. Erica also said it was impossible for them to have woken up this fast, since they were hit pretty hard on the head. Therefore, Mr. E must have gotten help, escaped and was still out there. But that was a fight for another day. They wouldn’t make a risky move now that the government was on to them.

Another thing that the news meant was that the secret service was after us. Despite saving the day, we were still involved and the government would probably still want to question us and ask us why we ran instead of reporting it. But we didn't want to deal with that so we were going to flee.

The car we stole was a nonscript early 2000's Honda from the Rump Towers parking lot. The girls quickly called the front seat, so like a child, I was stuck in the back.

Because the government was after us, we had to run. Looking at Audrey's phone, we found that the secret service had some very blurry and grainy footage of us in the basement. Luckily, you couldn't distinguish anything about us or our features. All you could tell was that three people were there. But to be honest, a case could have been made that it was three orangutans. The video was that bad. There was some grainy shots of Mr. E, Jacob and Joshua, but the quality was equally bad, so there was no incriminating evidence. The government was in the process of getting the leaders and officials out of the tower.

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