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CHAPTER FIVE- The Breaking News

Over the next couple of weeks, Nisa and I became the best of friends. I loved being around her. She had a warm spirit that welcomed you in so lovingly. I had to admit that taking up for Nisa against most of my classmates was creating a target on my back. Lucky for me, I didn't care much about making enemies. I could handle the name calling and rude behavior. Although I didn't care much about the attitudes that I got throughout the day, it seemed like Nisa did. We sat together at lunch and she couldn't stop going on about it.

"But Daleela, they're your friends right? You stood up for me and now they're being mean to you. You're losing everyone." She said with a shake of her head and a sad look on her bright moon-like face. "You don't have to give up your friends for me."

"Nisa, don't sweat it. They were never really friends of mine anyway if they dropped me like that. I apologized to them already and they're still acting dumb. That's their problem. We both have better things to worry about." I declared with a shrug. She still looked troubled. I placed a hand on her arm and squeezed it lightly. "Stop worrying so much. Look at my face. No worries."

"Okay...fine, I'll shut up about it." She said with a grin, flipping her long braid over her shoulder. I released her arm and turned my attention back to my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Oh yeah! Nisa, do you want to come to my house on Saturday?" I asked as I pulled out a math assignment that I needed to do.

"Hell yes! I have to ask my parents first but for sure." Nisa said with a huge smile and twinkling eyes. She looked down at my math sheet with a frown. "Daleela, seriously? You're doing math at lunch."

"I don't want any homework when I get home." I replied with a shrug and started my next math problem.

"Ah, that's actually kind of smart." Nisa said thoughtfully before deciding to pull out her homework.

"Yup," I nodded with a small laugh.

* * *

"Anybody home?" I yelled through the house as I took off my hijab and threw my book bag to the side. My limbs were screaming and aching from running track earlier in the day.

"I'm here," Ummi said as she came into the living room. "Assalamu Alaikum sweetheart, how was school?" She asked as I plopped don't onto the sofa.

"Wa alaikum assalam ma. It was fine, just super tiring." I said, turning on the tv. "And to think, I still have three years of high school left. Oh Allah, help me." I pouted as she sat down beside me. She smiled, pulling me to her and kissing my forehead. I took a deep breath and relaxed my head on my mom's shoulder. My mom always smelled amazing but more than that, she always smelled and felt like home.

"I'm sorry you had a tiring day sweetie." She hummed, snuggling me closer.

She sounded tired and now that I thought about it, she looked a little washed out today. I wondered if she was okay. "What about you Ummi? How was work?"

"Oh, I didn't go to work today. I've been feeling really sick these past few days. Your father is going to take me to the doctor later." She admitted quietly. My mother closed her eyes and took a deep breath."Insha'Allah, I'll be fine."

"May Allah heal you, Ameen." I responded worriedly as I held her soft, brown hand in mine. "I hope you don't have anything serious going on." I mumbled worriedly.

"I'm fine child. I probably just have a bug." She said with a weak smile. I was still terribly worried and I knew she could tell.

"Ummi, how about you go upstairs and lay down. I'll bring you something to eat. What would you like?" I said standing up. I saw her about to protest. "No protesting. I'm literally you, so arguing with me isn't an option."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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