Chapter Two ; Long Time No See

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God, your head hurts. Your nose is also burning, oddly enough. You realize that you're finally awake, and you start to take in your surroundings.

The room you're in is insanely dark. You can't see your own hand in front of your face. It also smells awful in there. It's dusty and smells like musk and dirt. You're on the floor, and you notice you're on cement. It's extremely cold, like the bench from earlier that day. Or was it even the same day? You couldn't tell. A thought flickered in your mind that you might be dead. Is this what hell is like?

Your thoughts are pushed aside as you hear a gasping and coughing Connor Cox.

"Connor, it's me," you say into the darkness.

"What— where are we?" He asks, trying to stand up. You hear him fall over and mutter a curse.

"I don't know, but fuck, it smells like your mother in here," you tease. He shouts a "hey!" and you feel like your ass is about to get beat once the lights turn on. If they even do, that is.

Suddenly, your eyes instinctively shut as you see the lights flicker on. It echoed throughout the entire... basement? Warehouse? As the lights turned on. You and Connor both successfully get to your feet, and you look around, searching for an answer. You were about to say something when you witnessed a dark, hooded figure run over to Connor.

"Connor!" You scream, reaching out for your friend. A gloved hand gripped his mouth, muffling his screams. The man pulled out a gun and aimed it at you, causing you to halt. If you weren't panicking before, you definitely were now.

"I'll come back for you, buddy! I won't forget you!" You promise to your friend, and you think you see tears in his eyes when he's dragged away. You watch where he's headed. The man then carefully lowers the gun, never taking his eyes off you, and reaches for a remote in his pocket. He clicks a button on it, and a secret door in the wall emerges. The two of them leave, and then the door is shut again.

You were sweating bullets at this point. Where was he headed? Would the same thing happen to me? What the fuck is going on? You start to hyperventilate, when another secret door is opened. Out of it comes a smaller and shorter hooded figure, and he makes his way towards you.

"H-hey! Get away from me!" You try to shout at the person. He takes off his hood and— wait a minute—

"Relax dumbass, I'm not here to take you away," the man, you now recognize as your old friend Leafy, says. You almost smile, but you're still conscious of the fact that he must be in on this too.

"Leafy, I... you have to help me out here, old friend," you practically beg him. You look at his face, and you notice he's a bit different. He has a few tiny scars on his face, and he has half-lidded dead and dull eyes, and you swear he lost a few inches off his chin.

"It's Calvin," he hisses. "I am the general of the Reptilian Brotherhood now, and sadly, you are not my brother,"

You're beyond puzzled. The Reptilian Brotherhood? You thought that was just a myth. How could Leafy— or Calvin, become their leader?

"Whitney, you may know her, she was the former general. I was... under her order," he explained. "I shot her, to get where I am."

"Why are you telling me this?" You ask him. You found no point in this.

"Well, you ought to know some about me before I kill you like I killed Whitney," he chuckled at the end. You had a horrified face. Is that what they were doing to Connor? Suddenly, the door opened again, and Calvin rolled his eyes.

"There will be absolutely no killing today, Calvin," The unknown person informed. "And you failed to say that you are just the general of the Reptilian Brotherhood, but I am the general of all the connecting Brotherhoods as well." Who was this man? He sounded so sophisticated. He approached you two closer, then you could see who it was. Christian!

"Also, that retarded persona you suggested did not work like you said it would, Calvin." Christian scolded further. Calvin was getting slightly anxious, and you could tell.

"What is going on here?" You ask. "Where is Connor? Where am I?!" The two flinch at your shouting. Why is Christian so different? And why are you so... attracted by it?

"I have been lying to you for awhile," Christian admitted. "I am not the man you think I am. I have been watching you for years and years, and there was only one thing I thought of doing,"

You almost teared up.

"I presented myself as someone you would pity, someone of very low intelligence, so you would agree to live with me," Christian explained, and then he looked right into your eyes. "And I am so glad it worked,"

Of course, you were confused (and aroused), but you couldn't help but feel thankful.

"So where's Connor?" You ask him. Christian frowned. You start to think he really was jealous of Connor.

"He's in another room, I didn't want him hearing this now," Christian said. "And I have a very private question to ask you, so Calvin if you could please," Calvin's face turned into a scowl, and he trudged out of the room.

The room was now in an uncomfortable silence. You looked at Christian, in disbelief. You were taking this all in. He was never the idiot roommate you thought he was? He had reason for doing everything he did? Most of all, he tricked you into taking him in? What on earth could this question be that he wanted to ask?

"I..." he started. You stared at him. "I was wondering if you, ehm... would like to fuck in this basement." You started choking on air and your eyes blew wide. Finally!

"Yes, of course," you answer after a moment. "Could we go to the park after?" Christian stared at you in shock.

The two of you had mind-boggling sex in his creepy basement, and it went by all too fast. He held out his hand and you took it, and then he led you out of the basement.

There, stood an immensely confused Connor, a pissed off Calvin, and a few of Christian's henchmen, all crowded around a large cake.

"What's all this?" You ask, still holding Christian's hand.

"It's your 'congratulations' party, or whatever," Calvin muttered. Christian shot him a death glare. You looked over at Connor, and noticed he had a lipstick stain on his cheek. What the fuck? He noticed your confusion.

"Oh yeah, uh," Connor started, awkwardly. "Turns out the guy that dragged me away was actually a sexy babe, we got it on in the broom closet," you nodded, understanding. You were happy for him. Christian then clasped his hands together.

"Well then! I'd say it's time for a celebration," he projected. You smiled. You noticed that there were candles on the cake, spelling out the number "69". You giggled upon reading it. Calvin lit the candles and you and Christian both blew them out, as if this night couldn't already had enough blowing.

And it all started with the park.


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