chapter 8

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Yuu took in everything Lest said and nodded in understanding while staring at the joker and ess card that was on the table. But it was only for a few seconds before she felt the limousine stopped and it didn't take long till one of Lest servants opened the car door beside her, and bowed deeply.

" M'lord, we have arrived."

"Good," Said Lest and picked up the cards from the table and put it back in the deck.

" Now let's take a closer look at my new creature."

Yuu quickly follows him out from the car and into a giant building that was perfectly hidden inside a mountain in the middle of a big forest.

And the moment the doors opened to the building, sounds of crying animals hit Yuu right in the face.

Yuu frowned at the sound while walking behind Lest down a long corridor with animals behind bars on each side. It was like walking into a zoo inside a building, with animals inside special rooms for their liking.

" The animals sounds hungry," said Yuu and glances at few of the cages they walked past and saw monkeys running around their special room and tried to find some food in the dirty. And in another cage was a wolf family sniffing around to find something to eat too.

" Maybe you should feed them. "

" Their feeding time is in an hour," Lest glanced at her with no emotion before they stopped in front of a big door at the end of the corridor. " Remember they are in my collection, and I decide what's happening to them."

Yuu gulped and could imagine what could happen to the animals in Lest collection, while they walked through the big door to end up in a really big room with a giant cage in the middle. In the cages was the creature from the harbor walking around in the giant cages with shaky legs.

One vampire who was dressed in a white coat walked over to Lest and handed out documents to Lest.

" Here are the reports, M'lord."

Lest look at the first page before glaring at the vampire. " Is this everything?."

The vampire held his head down. " Yes, M'lord. The creature woke up faster than we expected, and we tried to injected it again before you arrived. But somehow it didn't want to go to sleep again."

Yuu glanced at Lest who looked really annoyed what the vampire said, and took a few steps away to be sure that he didn't take his annoyance on her, something he did a few times when something didn't go as he planned.

" This is not good," Lest threw the documents away and walked over to the cages.

" I want some results do you have some ' tests' ready?."

Yuu glanced at Lest when he said ' Tests' in a very dark tone, and had a bad feeling that something terrible was going to happen.

The vampire bowed. " Yes, I have some test subject that we can send in." The vampire looked up, and Yuu looked up to to see a bridge that was right over the cages but so high up that the creature couldn't reach it. " Send in number 3."

The vampire on the metal bridge nodded and pressed on a button and out of nowhere a box was slowly lowered down to the creature, and the bottom of the box opened and a girl who looked a few years older than Yuu, fell down into the cages.

Yuu gasped in surprise and stared at the girl who slowly pushed her up on her feet, and looked around confused.

" You sending her in the cage?." Asked Yuu and glanced at Lest to see him smirking at her darkly. " Why?."

Vampire pet ( Owari no seraph fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now