Chapter 8- I think?

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Tom's POV

I barked at Tord to try to get him to let go of my, but he simply roughly hit my snout, so I bit him, only to have him wrap a hand around my snout, holding it shut. I really hated this guy. He stomped up to his room quickly, still keeping me held tightly in his arms. I could practically feel his anger, as well as a lot of pain from his arm wrapped tightly around my damaged ribs. He grabbed a leash from a drawer and hooked it up to my collar, then tied it to his bed post. He simply smacked my snout again, to which I growled at him, before leaving his room, probably to buy a new phone. Once I heard his footsteps fade away I changed into my human form. I quickly untied myself, unhooking the leash from my collar, then stretched out. I was starting to miss being human, but I had to find some way to get revenge on Tord. So far my plan wasn't working. I cracked the door open a bit, checking to make sure no one was near by. I didn't see anyone so I walked out of the room, heading down to Tords parents office. I wanted to find out what they had been talking about. 

I quickly walked around, making sure that no one saw me. The mansion was like a maze, I kept taking wrong turns, and I would have to retrace my steps. I finally found the office that I had seen the two men in before, and put my ear to the door to see if I could hear anything. After listening for a few minutes and not hearing anything I cracked the door open. The first thing that caught my eyes when I walked in was the folders and papers scattered around the desk. I silently crept over to the desk and picked up the nearest folder. I opened the folder and what looked like the blue prints for some army base fell out. I cautiously picked it up and looked it over. At the top it said 'Green Base' in neat handwriting, and upon further inspection different areas were circled or had little notes by them. I put the paper back into the folder and was just about to pick up another one when I heard footsteps nearing the office door. I started to panic before remembering to turn into a dog again.

 I shifted just seconds before the two men walked into the office, arguing about something. They stopped when they saw me, and the one with weird bangs came over and picked me up.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as if I could respond. 

"I still think Tord should have gotten a purebred, even one of the army dogs would have been better" The man with bushy eyebrows said. 

"If he makes Tord happy just leave it, hard enough to control that child anyways." Had I been human I would have burst out into laughter but as I was a dog it came out as a very awkward squeak-ish noise. I quickly shut my snout after receiving questioning looks from the two men. 

"Fine. Tord should at least be taking better care of him, and not letting him run all over the house."

"I'm sure he has a reason. I'll call him and tell him to come get his dog." The man picked up his phone and clicked a contact, but set the phone down after two seconds.

"It went straight to voicemail. His phone must be dead, or he broke it again" The guy holding me said, as he started stroking my head.

"Oh well, I'll just take the dog up to his room."

"Ok, also he has the softest fur ever!" The guy holding my exclaimed, still petting my head gently. 

"Just hand him to me Patryck" The bushy eyebrowed man said with a slight chuckle, holding his arms out for me.

"Wait, look at this!" The guy supposedly named Patryck said, moving the fur aside by one of my horns. Even as a dog my fur on my head stuck straight up, so I didn't think anyone would see my horns. I was wrong. The other guy came over and felt my horns, a shocked expression taking place on his face.

"What type of dog did Tord get exactly?"

"I'm not sure." As if on cue Tord came running in, he stopped at the door to catch his breath, then walked up to his parents. 

"Sorry, he somehow escaped from my room, even though he was tied to my bed and my door was shut." Tord explained as he grabbed me from his dad's hands.

"Did you know your dog had horns?" patryck asked.

"Oh ya, I saw them last night. I was thinking of asking if I could take him back to the base and have a scientist look at him?"

"Paul?" Patryik asked the other man.

"I suppose we could arrange for him to fly out day after tomorrow" The guy presumably named Paul said.

"Really?! Thanks!" Tord exclaimed.

"Ya no problem, now pat and I have some work to do." Paul replied.

"Of course you do" Tord rolled his eyes as we walked out and back to his room. Once we reached his room, he set me on the bed and layed down, moving me so I was positioned on his chest. He stayed quiet as he stroked my head, but he had a sad aura. I felt sortta bad for him, his parents didn't seem to have much time for him. I nuzzled his neck before laying down and resting on him as he stroked my head and back.

"That happens all the time, you'll get used to it" he told me. I simply whimpered in response. "It's like you know what I'm saying. For all I know maybe you do." He grabbed his new phone out of his hoodie pocket ad started setting it up.

"We should probably train you so I don't keep losing phones" He said with a slight chuckle as he finished setting up his phone. I could either be the easiest or hardest dog in the world to train. I guess that we will find out when it comes to that.


HEY! Thanks everyone who is reading this! I really appreciate all the feedback, also we are at over 200 total views!! Thank you guys so much!!! I hope that you like this chapter, I'm not sure when the next one will be out. I'm going to start writing the sequel to the book        -Sides- by HoneyTop18, because I got permission to write it. You guys should read their book, it's amazing! Anyways after I get the first chapter of that out I will write another chapter of this, then just switch off. THANKS!!! 

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