Tight in all the wrong places...

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"What's the password?" the silver haired man shifted his weight from foot to foot. This couldn't be real. He wasn't going to this establishment. Of course not. Why the fuck would he do that? He was gay. He was totally gay. Being dominated by a dominatrix was 100% not on his list of things to do.

"I don't know the password," he admitted. That was the worst thing to admit. He should've just made up something. The door almost closed, almost, but he grabbed it. Shit. "No, no, no, wait, I know Grell, let me in. She said she needed me for something!" The door swung open. The chick eyed him up and down before turning and gesturing for him to follow.

This was the worst decision of his life. He should've just...not. Why did he come here again? The hallway was small and the room at the end was ominous. He could hear moaning and the scent of leather. Shit. He didn't want to be here. He totally didn't want to be here.

The door opened and Grell stood smiling, wearing a leather corset, boots, and holding a whip. "Ah, Adrian, so glad you could make it," she smiled and grabbed his hand, dragging him in.

"Look, I really think this was a mistake. I shouldn't be here. I'm not cut out for this job..." he rambled on and on but Grell just put some leather pants in his hands.

"Put these on, my next client is coming. He is a bit of a big fellow, so if he tries anything funny just stab him for me, will you?" Grell threw her hair back and adjusted her outfit.

"You want me to w-what?" Adrian stared at the leather. He didn't look good in leather. He was a gay man out of place. He did not look good in anything, actually.

"Oh, honey, get naked. It's not like it isn't anything I haven't seen before," Grell chuckled. "I could always strip you myself, you know, if that turns you on," she winked.

"I'm changing, I'm changing!" Adrian slipped out of his clothing and put on the weird pants. They were tight in all the wrong places. He never knew how nice his ass looked until he put these on. Maybe he wasn't half bad after all. No, that was pushing it. Leather still wasn't his cup of tea. 

The door opened and he immediately hid in the corner of the room. Damn it. "Remember, stab," Grell mouthed as she began her whole performance. She cracked the whip for good measure. Adrian winced. He couldn't watch. This was far too...Grell and not at all Adrian.

. . .

"It wasn't that bad," Grell rolled her eyes and filed her nails. "You're just being a wuss."

"I really don't think I can be your assistant, Grell, this is totally not something I'm good at," Adrian tried to explain. Grell wasn't having it.

"Listen, sweetie, you can make money with me or you can do whatever it is you do. What do you do again? Right, you're a waiter at a no good restaurant. Sounds thrilling," Grell raised her eyebrows and threw the nail filer in her purse.

"Okay, right, you have a valid point," Adrian admitted. "But I want 50-50 of whatever you make."

"20. You're fooling yourself if you think we're equals. You're my assistant, Adrian, nothing else."

"Damnit," Adrian sighed. It was probably still more than tips at his day job. "Fine."

"That's what I like to hear," she held out her hand for him to shake. He did so and then she was gone.

Adrian sank into the sidewalk. This was not what he envisioned himself doing after high school. He managed to walk back to his apartment. He stepped one foot into the door and heard the scandalous noises of his roommate and two women. Why did that bed have to be right in the living room? What the hell? Adrian tried his best not to look. He didn't want to see that. But, he was already noticed.

"Adrian!" his roommate snickered and got off the bed. He draped his sex-smelling arm around Adrian. Ugh. No thanks. "You certainly had a fun night, didn't you? Back so late." Oh if only he knew. "Say," Lau got way too close to Adrian's face. He could smell the drugs, among other things. "You have experience sticking fingers up people's asses right? Being gay and all..."

"Brother, you can't just ask people if they have experience sticking fingers in the anus," Ran Mao frowned and grabbed Lau's arm, dragging him back to the bed.

"But it's for science!" he whined. "Adrian stick a finger in my ass! Neither of these two will!" he shed a single tear. Wow. This was #1 on Adrian's list of things he was dying to hear upon walking into his apartment. Number fucking one. Adrian sighed. If only he made enough money to live in his own place, without sharing. 

"That's because we just got our nails done, idiot," Mey-Rin frowned.

"I asked you way before that and you still wouldn't," Lau frowned.

"Go," Ran Mao mouthed to Adrian and gestured for him to escape. She was always his favorite out of the trio. Always nice. Adrian slipped away while Lau was distracted and plopped on his bed. The scandalous sounds returned. He sighed. So much for sleep.

His phone buzzed and there was a message from Grell. He sighed again. He wasn't going to be a dominatrix's assistant. He told himself that over and over and over again that night while burying his face into his pillow. Unfortunately for him, Grell isn't the type of lady to take 'no' for an answer.

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