Are you wearing makeup?...

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"How'd you get that eye?" Grell frowned.

"It's a long story, what are we doing today?" Adrian didn't want to talk about it.

"A woman wants me to tickle her husband. Just chit chat with the chick while I get business done. Real simple," Grell promised. The two entered the home and went their separate ways. The woman didn't seem that disagreeable. She offered Adrian a seat and gave him some cookies. They were bone shaped. That was a plus.

"Have you been in this business for long?" she asked. "I wasn't sure if I should call Madame Red or not. I just. They didn't tell me married life would be this fucked up when I said my vows. The guy has a tickling fetish. I just. I can't," she sighed.

"We all have our quirks," Adrian nodded. "I got punched in the face for shoving fingers up a guy's ass. His girlfriend didn't like that much."

"Why did she punch you? Wasn't it his fault?" the woman was intrigued. Haha, what a conversation starter. Adrian should learn to keep his mouth shut.

"She loves him, probably, and didn't want to hurt him," Adrian shrugged. He probably would've punched the other party too and not his lover if he'd walked in on that.

"That sucks," the wife sympathized.

"You have to be frustrated too, right? I mean. Can't be easy," Adrian pointed to the ceiling. Faint sounds of laughing could be heard. "Wanna punch me too?" he offered.

The woman thought about it for a moment. She got $200 out of her wallet and slid it over. "Let's do it."


"What the hell happened?" Grell cupped Adrian's face. "Did it get worse?"

"Haha, I'm an idiot. Got punched for money this time though," Adrian said.

"You shouldn't do stuff like that. We're supposed to be injuring the clients not ourselves," Grell frowned.

Adrian sighed. "I had a date tonight too. I guess I should cancel..."

"I can help you with that," Grell grabbed Adrian's hand and dragged him into the nearest bathroom. She took some makeup out of her purse and began applying it.

"He is totally going to notice I'm wearing makeup," Adrian sighed.

"You're a gay man he should be used to you wearing makeup," Grell laughed.

"If I was going to wear makeup wouldn't I want to cover my scars?" Adrian inquired.

"Too late now," Grell shrugged. She was only going to fix the black eye.

The door opened and a guy walked in. Handsome, if Adrian did say so himself, with glasses and a stern face. "Uh," he began. He wasn't sure if he wanted to interrupt or use another bathroom. He was tempted to leave.

"I know I look fabulous, honey, but I technically still have a dick so feel free to take a piss. I've seen them before," Grell gestured. She didn't recognize that this guy was in her class, or that he sat next to her. There were a lot of questions in his mind right now but Grell's gender wasn't one of them. He decided it would be better just to turn around and come back later. Or, to find another bathroom. What are the chances he'd meet her outside of class? Next to none. But, here we are.

"That poor guy," Adrian looked at the door. "This is an image he will never erase."

"It's fine, probably," Grell shrugged. "There. I'm done." She turned Adrian around to show him through the bathroom mirror.

"This is going to be a nightmare...but do you think it's more cute to get a standard coffee? Or a latte? What screams 'I'm gay and want your dick' more?" Grell laughed at the question.

"Just order what you want: the dick."


The two sat in the cute coffee shop. It was occult themed but still classy. Just like this man, ever so classy. This vest wearing beauty-marked man was completely astounding to look at. Everyone that walked in couldn't help glancing. They were either laughing to themselves about how strange it was for Adrian to sit next to such a handsome man, or they were staring at him.

"I'm really sorry about that whole indecent conversation thing," he apologized. "Have I introduced myself properly? I'm Vincent Phantomhive. In any case," Vincent paused mid-sentence and leaned in closer to Adrian's face. "Are you wearing makeup? That's makeup, isn't it?"

"Haha," Adrian laughed nervously, "of course not. Why would I be wearing makeup?"

"I see, well, is there anything in particular you want? I'll get it for you," Vincent offered.

"Are blowjobs on this menu?" Adrian grumbled and opened it. Shit. He said that out loud. Fuck. "Sorry! I didn't mean that, I just, it's been a really messed up day," Adrian hid his face in his hands and sighed.

"Why don't you tell me about it?" Vincent suggested. "I'm a great listener, or so they say."

"So, a close friend of mine from high school calls me up like years after we have ever kept in touch. And she wants me to help her with her job. But it's not like...a normal job, of course not, she is a fucking dominatrix. Literally. And then I told my roommate. Because, well I had to tell someone, at least once, right? And he asks me to shove my fingers in his ass and then his girlfriends come home and I'm just..." Adrian sighed. "I'm a mess and I got punched in the face, twice. So, yes, I'm fucking wearing makeup."

"That's rough," Vincent admitted. He didn't have time to unpack all of that but he was trying his best to be supportive to this stranger.

"'That's rough'?" Adrian laughed. "Is that all you have to say? I did just tell you that I'm the assistant to a fucking dominatrix."

Vincent shrugged. "I bet you look hot in leather. It's worth it. You'd be doing the world a disservice if you weren't the assistant to a dominatrix," he winked, before actually finally going to get that coffee.

"Wow," Adrian rested his head on his hand. "Some people are just too good to be true."

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