Chapter 11: Food Coma

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Another short chapter before I start rolling out the long ones. Enjoy!

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"GAME OVER!" The announcer from the TV blared out. Taurus throws the controller of the SwitchStationOne aside, no longer finding joy in playing games. She lays down on the couch and stares up at the living room ceiling. She's alone in the house; Elizabeth and Grizzly have returned to their sector, back to Area S01. She turns to face the TV, reading the words 'GAME OVER' written across the screen in bold white letters. Her eyes grow heavy and soon sleep falls over her.

A rap on the door wakes her from her slumber. She sits up and looks at the time. Half an hour has passed while she was asleep. The console and switched itself off, running in rest mode. She wonders who could it be.

"Hold on!" She responds as she stands. She opens the door to meet m45 outside with a plastic Tupperware in her hands. With a bright smile, she hands it out to her.

"I baked too much so these are the extras. I know there's not a lot to eat as he's not around so I hope this will fill you up!" The smell of baked cookies and bread invaded her sense of smell, forcing a drool to escape the corner of her lips. m45 lets out a soft laugh and gestures again with the small container in hand. "They are for you."

"T-Thanks." She wipes the corner of her lips and slurps the rest of her drool, gulping hard at smell of baked food. "Do you want to come in?" She accepts the container and keeps it close to her.

"No, it's okay," She takes a step back, standing by the staircase landing, "Mrs. Holland's son is coming home later this evening, so I need to prepare dinner for them. If you want, please come by. It'll be nice to have another guest around for dinner."

"I-It's okay, I don't want to intrude." Taurus bows. "Thank you again for the food."

m45 waves goodbye and leave the property. Taurus heads to the kitchen and opens the container. Biscuits, scones, and cookies of different kinds filled the container to the brim. She's having a slight headache from the variety. She picks one at random and pops it into her mouth without hesitation. She nearly faints from the delicious taste that overwhelms her. She keeps eating them without a care in the world, even flipping the container to take in the last crumbs. She lets out a breath, satiated.

Heading back to the living room, she turns on the TV. News reported a car chase down a highway. A black sports car, with two SUVs and a black civilian car. It happened a while ago so the footage isn't live.

"Boring..." She switches to another. She flips through multiple channels before turning the TV off. She throws the remote aside, hearing it clatter with the SwitchStationOne's controller. "There's nothing to watch!" She lies down on the couch and shut her eyes. The food she consumed made her groggy. She yawns and stretches, eyes still closed. "So" She's been sleeping a lot these past few days, with nothing else to do, she just sleeps the day away. She hopes it's not a vice.

"Taurus, wakey wakey~" A soft nudge. She barely feels it. "It's time for dinner." Another nudge, harder this time. Elizabeth has returned from her sector, but why?

"What time is it?" She asked, still half awake.

"Twelve minutes past seven." She's been asleep for four hours. "C'mon, we brought you some hamburger steak and good news."

She can finally smell it, the aroma of cooked meat but the good news interests her the most. She sits up and stretches out a yawn. "What's the good news?" She turns to face her with droopy eyes.

"We can visit Aiden next week!" Elizabeth couldn't hold in her smile, she's practically grinning. Taurus's eyes widen with exhilaration. She's been dying to hear some good news, and it's the best news she has heard in a long while. Even though she has to wait for a week, knowing when she can visit him is more than enough to fill her with joy.

They're eating dinner together in the kitchen, but Taurus couldn't help wonder how she managed to leave her sector.

"How did you manage to get back here?" She asked after swallowing a huge chunk of meat.

"I requested an emergency leave to take care of you while Aiden is away. However, Grizzly needs to stay at the sector for extra manpower."

"Is your commander okay with that?"

"She's fine with it. She said I've been working way too hard and deserved a break once in a while." She lets out a smile and bites the rest of the hamburger steak.

"She sounds like a nice person!"

"Yes, she is! So! How did your second test go? The ASST test. I've heard about it from the others." NZ75 and Grizzly gave her the news but they told her to get the results straight from Taurus. She has no idea why.

She clenches the utensils tightly, "It's not the best score," and raise it up high. "but I passed!"

"Congratulations!" She claps in amazement. "This calls for a celebration! We're going to have a TV marathon tonight!"

"What are we going to watch?"

"The flying dead! They finally got all the seasons on Netflix!" She puts her hands together in excitement. Finally able to binge watch the long-awaited TV series without interruption.

"Oowwwoh! Let's go!"

"I'll get the snacks!"

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It's short, yes I know, but there's really nothing much Taurus could do at this point. Expect longer chapters in the next few ones!

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