Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Fuck." I opened my eyes to see that I am still laying on the floor where he left me. Getting up, slowly, I make my way to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I have bruises already showing on my throat from when he choked me out. My left eye is black and swollen and there's dried blood under my nose. Looking in the full length mirror hanging on the door, I raise my shirt to see bruises showing on my ribs already. Feeling around, I don't think any are broken but for sure bruised. I have to get out of here. Rubbing my stomach, I say "I'm getting us out of here little one."

I take out a suitcase and start throwing things inside. I don't have much other than my clothes but it's enough. I take out the burner phone that I had hidden and lay my contract phone on the counter in the kitchen and call a cab and head out as soon as it shows up. I knew the only place I could go was to my dad's but would he take me back? I left him to be with Nick. Maybe he will forgive me. Picking up my burner, I called the number that I know by heart. "Hello?" He answered. "Hi Daddy." I say. "Laura? Is that you baby?" He asked. "Yeah. Uh, I was wondering if I could come home?" I asked. "Of course. Just meet me at the clubhouse." He says. "Daddy, I need to meet you alone. Can I come to the house?" I asked. "Of course baby. When will you be here?" He asked. "In about an hour." I say. We say our good-byes and before I know it, I am pulling up in front of my dad's house.

Getting out of the cab, my dad walks out the front door to help me get me bag. He pays the cab for me and then takes a good look at me. "Baby doll. What happened?" He asked. "I'll tell you inside. There are a few things I need to tell you." I say and he walks me inside. He offers me a bottled water because he knows I don't drink and I accept it gratefully. "Now, tell me what is going on?" He says. "Daddy, uh, I left Nick. He, uh, started hitting me and I couldn't take it anymore." I tell him. "I'll kill him." He says. "No, Daddy. Don't. I just want us to be away from him and move on with your lives. Please?" I asked. "Okay baby. But he comes around you and I'll kill him." He says and I nod my head. "There's one more thing. I'm uh, I'm pregnant." I tell him and he sits next to me. "Are you happy about it?" He asked. "I am but I don't want him near us." I tell him and he says "Well, then I am happy too Sweetheart."

We talk a little longer and he tells me that he wants to call Chibs over to look at my injuries. Twenty minutes later Chibs pulls up and walks into the house. "Hey Brotha, what seems to be the emergency?" He asked before seeing me sitting there. "Holy shite. Lass, what the hell happened?" He asked as he sat next to me to start looking over my injuries. "My ex happened." I say and he looks at my dad. "Laura Trager, please tell me you are done with this piece of shite?" He asked and I nod my head yes. He starts poking at my ribs and I wince a little. "Lass, you have a few bruised ribs but nothing is broken." He says and I get up and run to the sink and get sick. "Are you okay Lass?" Chibs asked. "Yeah, little one here doesn't like mommy to keep food down I guess." I say and his eyes go wide. "Little one? Does anyone else know you are back Lass?" He asked and I shook my head no. "Well, I will talk to Gemma and we will give her a little time to heal and then maybe Gemma can use her at the shop so we can keep her close." Chibs says and dad agrees.

The next day, Gemma shows up. "Hey Sweetheart. How are you feeling?" She asked as she comes in and places a covered plate on the table for me. "I'm okay I guess. Happy to be home." I tell her. "Sit, you need to eat." She says and I do what she says. "Now, tell me about this little one here." She says and points to my stomach. "I am eight weeks along. The sperm donor doesn't know about it. I just found out yesterday. He, uh, came home drunk and I didn't make the dinner he wanted so he decided to introduce me to a couple of walls. Knocked me out and when I came to, he was gone so I packed what I could and got a cab to bring me here." I explain. "Well, we will give you a week for these bruises to fade and then you can come to work at the shop that way we can keep an eye on you incase he decides that he is stupid enough to come looking for you." She says. "Thanks Aunt Gem." I tell her.

A week later, Gemma has a dinner at her house. I loved those dinners growing up. I loved being around family. No one really knew that I was back until I walked in the door with my dad. They all started embracing me and telling me that it is great to have me home. I walk into the kitchen and see Gemma and some of the other Old Ladies cooking. I walk up behind Luanne and tap her shoulder and she turns to me with wide eyes "Hey baby. How ya doin?" She asked. "Better. How's Uncle Otto?" I asked. "As good as can be baby. I told him you were back home and he's happy you are home." She tells me. "Want me to help with anything Gem?" I asked. "Nope, take your ass in the living room and relax." She tells me and I do as I am told. I know better than to argue with her.

An hour later, the front door opens and Jax walks in. I have always been in love with Jax but never acted on it. He was one of my best friends. He sees me and stops in his tracks. Next thing I know he is picking me up and hugging me tight. "Hey Darlin. When did you get home?" He asked. "About a week ago. Laid low for a while." I told him and he nodded his understanding. Gemma calls us to eat and we sit at the table and I take my normal seat between my dad and Jax.

After dinner we are all outside sitting around the fire pit. After a while, everyone starts heading home. "I'm heading to the clubhouse, you need a ride?" Dad asked. "I'll make sure she gets home." Jax says and dad kisses me goodbye before heading out. Sitting there looking at the fire, Jax takes my hand and pulls me onto his lap. "I missed you." He said. "I missed you too." I say. "Are you home for good?" He asked. "Yeah but Jax, there's something I didn't tell everyone." I say. He looks at me and nods for me to continue, "The reason I laid low when I got here was because I was covered in bruises. Nick beat me. Almost daily." I tell him and feel him tense. "I won't let him hurt you again." He tells me and pulls me closer. "Jax, there's one more thing." I tell him and he looks into my eyes. "I'm pregnant." I say and he takes my face in his hands and kisses my lips softly and says "I'll still be here." I snuggle farther into him and we spend the next couple of hours just watching the flames.

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