Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It's been a couple of days since Jax said he wanted to marry me. He's been off with the club so I have started getting some of the clothes washed and in the dresser for when Abel comes home. I start working on making the letters to go over his crib and get those hung. I am in the kitchen getting the finishing touches on dinner when Jax walks in. "Hey babe." He says kissing my cheek. "Hey. Dinner is almost done so go wash up." I tell him, not looking at him. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah. Just little one here messing with my stomach. Not feeling too good. But I'll be fine." I tell him. He goes and washes up and sits down at the table. I place his plate in front of him with a cold beer and I sit down on the other side with my plate and water. "How was your day?" I asked. "Good. Worked at the garage for a while but had a meeting with Alvarez." he says. "I take it things went well?" I asked. "For now. How was your day?" he asked. "Productive. I got all of Abel's clothes washed and put away and did the letters over his crib and took care of a few other things I thought would look good in there. I think the only thing it needs now is Abel." I tell him. "Really? I'll have to take a look after dinner." he says smiling.

After dinner, I finished cleaning up the kitchen and walk down the hall where I knew Jax was. He was standing outside of Abel's bedroom door looking in. "What do you think?" I asked. "It looks great babe. You did real good." He says. Smiling, I walk into the room and say "He has enough clothes to fill up all four drawers and some are hanging in the closet." He walks in and puts his arms around me and kisses my neck and says, "Not too much longer and we can get the other room done for this little one." and rubs my stomach. "Jax, thank you." I say. "For what babe?" He asked confused. "You didn't have to agree to this. I know this baby isn't yours but you offering to raise it as yours means a lot. I just don't want you to regret it." I say, looking down at my hands. "Babe. Both of these kids are our kids. Not yours. Not mine. Ours. You hear me?" he says. "Yeah. Just. Thank you." I say before kissing him softly. He picks me up and heads to our bedroom and says "Just how thankful are you?" he lays me down on the bed and I spend the night showing him how thankful I am.

The next morning, he heads to work and I start cleaning up the house. I head to St. Thomas to spend some time with Abel. Walking up to the incubator, I put my hand on top and say "Good morning baby boy. Mommy missed you." before sitting in the rocking chair next to him and just watching him. Tara walks in, "How's he doing Doc?" I asked. "He's good. Moving around a lot more. Even cooing some." she says. "Great." I say. Jax comes in and kisses my cheek. "I have my appointment in a few so I will be back." I tell him. "You okay?" he asked. "Just a checkup. Nothing major." I tell him and walk out the door. I see Gemma walking up and she meets me at the door to Abel's room. Standing to the side, we can't see what's Tara and Jax are doing but I hear Tara ask. "Jax, who's going to be taking care of Abel when he gets home? Have you thought about that?" I hear Jax say, "That's not your concern. He will be taken care of." Gemma and I listen a little closer. "Jax, I can help you take care of him. He's going to need someone there with him." Before I can open the door we hear Jax say "Tara, let's get this straight right now. Laura is my Old Lady. She's going to be my wife. She and I will raise our son just fine without your help." Looking in the window, I see Tara's eyes tearing up, "So, that's it? There's no chance for us to get back together? She ran once. What makes you think she won't run again?" Tara asked. "Because she's mine. She won't leave. There will never be anything between us Tara. I appreciate all you have done for Abel but that's where it ends. I'm sorry." he tells her. "I have to go. I can't listen to this bull shit." I say and walk off with Gemma calling after me.

I go to my appointment and the doctor tells me everything is fine. I walk out of the hospital and Jax is on his bike next to my car. "You okay?" he asked, not touching me. "Jax, do you still have feelings for her?" I asked. He looked at me shocked and says "No. I don't. You are the only one that I love and want." I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest. He doesn't say anything but just holds me. After a few minutes I tell him, "I am going to head home. I love you Jackson." He kisses me softly and says "I love you too Laura."

Walking into the house, something isn't right. The door was unlocked and I know I locked it. Pulling my gun out of my purse, I slowly walk farther into the house and I feel someone pin me to the wall before I can shoot. Knocking the gun from my hand I see Nick staring back at me. "You thought you could run from me and I wouldn't find you? I see I was right. Once a biker whore always a biker whore." he says, inches from my face. "What do you want Nick?" I asked. "You know what I want. I want you to come home. You think you can just leave me? I own you, remember?" he says with a wicked grin on his face. The same one that he used to get before he beat me. I feel his hand wrap around my throat, cutting off my airway. I feel him start punching me in the stomach and ribs and all I can think is my baby. But I can't let him know I am pregnant. He finally punches me in the face and just before I pass out, I hear a motorcycle pull up and he says "I'll be back for you whore." And he runs out the back door.

Next thing I remember, I am in a hospital bed with my dad on one side and Jax on the other. Both holding my hands. I pull my hands away and try to sit up but I can't. Jax and dad are both up in a second and next to me. "Hey baby girl. How ya feeling?" Dad asked. "Where am I?" I asked. "You're in the hospital. I came home and found you beaten and passed out. Do you remember what happened?" Jax asked. I shake my head no. I can't tell him what happened. The doctor walks in to check on me and I asked. "Is my baby okay?" She looks at me with sympathy and says "I'm sorry Miss Trager. You suffered a miscarriage." I look at her, knowing that the baby wouldn't make it through that beating. "Thank you doctor." I say. I look at my dad and Jax and asked, "Can I be alone for a while?" They both kiss me softly and Jax says "We will find who did this, babe. I promise." I just nod and as soon as they leave, I break down and sob.

A little bit later, the nurse comes in. "The Sheriff is here and wants to ask you a few questions." I just nod. Unser comes in and asked "How are you feeling Sweetheart?" I just look at my hands. "I'll live." I say. "Do you remember what happened?" he asked. "No. I don't." I say looking at him. Hale is behind him "Don't remember or just don't want to tell us?" he asked. Unser looks at him and I say through clenched teeth, "I was attacked and just lost my baby. If I remembered anything, I would fucking tell you. Now if that's all please leave." Hale walks out and Unser leans over to me. "If you remember anything, call me. I will keep him away from you. Off the record, you let me know if you need anything okay Sweetheart?" I look at him with tears in my eyes, "Thanks Wayne." I say before he turns and walks out of the room. Gemma walks in as they leave and asked "You okay?" I shake my head and say "No, Gem. I'm not." She looks at me with sympathy. "I lost the baby." I say and start sobbing all over again. "Baby, tell me what happened." she says. "I can't tell the guys. Please don't tell the guys." I plead with her. "Okay." she says. "It was Nick. He found me. I was in the house when I got home and he pinned me to the wall. He called me a biker whore and beat me like he used to. When he heard a bike pulling up, he told me he would be back for me." I tell her. "Baby, you need to tell the guys. They will take care of him." she says. "Gemma, Jax will lose his shit. I can't let him do anything. You don't know the kind of people that Nick's family knows. Something happens to him and they will know it was because of me." I tell her. "You tell Jax or I do." she says. "Tell me what?" Jax asked from the door. "Baby girl here, remembers what happened." she says before walking out and leaving us alone. "Jax you have to promise you won't do anything, please." I beg. "Baby, I won't let you get hurt again. Tell me what happened." he says so I start telling him what happened. After I tell him, he says "I want all the info you have on him. He won't do this again." he says and he calls the guys and says they have church. The doctor comes in with my release papers and Jax takes me to the clubhouse.

I gave Jax all the info I have on Nick. They have been in church for almost an hour. "Babe, come in here please." Jax says from the chapel doors. I walk inside and am standing at the door. "Come here." Jax tells me so I walk around to his seat and he pulls me into his lap. "How are you feeling?" Clay asked. "Sore but I'll be okay." I say but won't look at anyone. "How long did this prick hit you?" he asked. "For a little more than a year. When I found out I was pregnant, I finally decided to get out." I tell them. "Well, we found him. We know what we are dealing with but we want to make sure you are on board with what we are going to do." he says. "No offense Clay but an Old Lady can't answer questions she don't know shit about. I am on board with whatever you do, I just don't want to know the details, please." I say. "Fair enough baby girl. You are to stay inside this clubhouse until we have this taken care of. Take it easy and I better not find out you are trying to lift anything. You tell us what you need and we will take care of it." Clay orders. "Okay. Thanks guys. You don't know how much I love you guys. All of you." I say looking around the table. I head out of the chapel and to lay down in Jax's dorm until he comes to tell me he is leaving.

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