Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The next day, I walk into St Thomas and before I can get to Abel's room, I see Tara in the hall. She stalks over to me and says "You had me taken off of Abel's case?" I stop and cross my arms and said, "Yeah. I did. Your top priority should be my son's health, not getting with my fiance." I tell her. "He's not your son." she smirks. "I have legal custody of him. Wendy signed him over to me willingly so, yes, he's my son. Now, I was assured you would leave me and my family alone so I am going to spend some time with my son." I tell her. I walk away from her and I hear her mumble something. I walk into Abel's room and see Gemma sitting there. "Hey Gemma. How's our boy?" I asked. "He's good baby. Been cooing and moving around a lot." she says. "Good. Ran into the good doctor on my way in." I said and she raises an eyebrow. "Fussing because I had her taken off of Abel's case. I'm really trying to not be a complete bitch but it's getting really hard." I tell her. Jax walks in and looks at us a little concerned. "Everything okay?" he asked. "Yeah baby. Just telling your mom here about my little conversation with Tara." I say and he looks at me waiting on me to continue. "She stopped me on the way in fussing about me taking her off of our son's case." I tell him. "Want me to say something?" he asked. "No. If you talk to her that just gives her hope. I can handle her." I tell him before kissing him.

Two weeks have gone by and we get the call from Dr Namid about coming to the hospital to be able to actually hold Abel. We get to the hospital and I see Wendy there. I walk over to her and ask "How are you doing?" She smiles and says "Sixty-four days sober. Going to a sober living house in a week." she says. "That's great. Hey, I'm heading in to meet Jax. We get to hold Abel. You wanna hold him?" I asked. "Really?" she asked shocked. "You are his mother. I told you as long as you were doing good, we would make things work." She hugs me and we walk into the room. Jax looks at me and sees Wendy and gives me a confused look. "Found her in the hall. Thought she'd like to hold our son too." I say and she smiles knowing I included her in that 'our'. The nurse brings Abel in and Jax holds him first. Wendy, Gemma and I step back and let him have a minute. After a few minutes, Jax hands him to Wendy. She looks at him and just gushes over him. After a few minutes she says "Time to go to your other mommy." and hands Abel to me. "Hey baby boy. You don't know just how much you are loved." I tell him. After we spend some time with him, it's time to let him go back to his bassinet.

We walk out to the hall and I asked Wendy "Where are you staying?" She looks and says "Was going to get a room at Charming Inn until the room at the sober living house opens up." I look at Jax and he nods his head, thinking the same thing. "Why don't you stay with us at our house. It's just for a week right?" She looks at me shocked. "Really. I'd appreciate that." We start to walk out of the hospital and I tell her, "This way you can tell us how treatment is going and we can get the rest of the details worked out about Abel." She smiles softly and says "Thanks again. You know, you guys could have just cut me out completely." I smile and tell her "Like I said, you keep your end of the deal and we will keep ours."

We get to the house and we are sitting around having coffee and she asked "How are we doing this?" I say "I have been thinking about it. I am still adopting him after we are married in just over a month but as long as you stay sober and things are staying kosher, I would like you at his birthday parties. As far as he will know, I am his mom but you are a friend of mommy and daddy's. When he's old enough to understand, we will tell him the truth about what happened. You will not say anything bad about us and we will not say anything bad about you. As long as everything is kosher, you will still get your updates and yearly visits." I say. "You good with this Jax?" she asked. "Yeah. Wendy, we both failed this kid. We both need to redeem ourselves." he says. "Wendy, you are not a bad person. You just took a wrong path and what matters now is that you are finding that right path." I tell her. We continue to talk and she starts asking about the wedding. I look at Jax and he says "It's just going to be a small get together but you are welcome to join us." She looks at me and I say "I'd like you to be there." She smiles and says "I'd like that."

***The Wedding Day***

"Are you about ready?" Gemma asked. "Yeah. I'm ready." I tell her. My dad walks into the room with Wendy behind her. "Wendy, you made it." I say. "Yeah, thanks again for inviting me." she says. Gemma looks at her and says "Well, she sees you are doing good baby." We talk for a minute and my dad says "Well, let's get this show on the road." We walk out and are ready to walk down the aisle. We see Wendy at the back of the clubhouse where we are about to walk in and she's standing toe to toe with Tara. I look at my dad and then we see Chibs walk over and escort Tara out while Half Sack escorts Wendy to her seat. I'll have to ask about that later.

Standing at the altar, the preacher says "Jackson Nathaniel Teller, do you take Laura Elizabeth Trager to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He smiles at me and says "I do." The preacher turns to me and says "Laura Elizabeth Trager, do you take Jackson Nathaniel Teller to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I smile and say "I do." After exchanging rings, we kiss and the party gets started. I walk over to Wendy and she hugs me and congratulates me. "What was that all about with Tara?" I asked. "She was coming in to try to talk Jax out of marrying you. I told her that she needed to back off and walk away." she tells me. "Thank you Wendy." I say. "Well, we have to stick together right?" I just smile and pull her into a hug. Jax walks over to say hello and Wendy says "I have curfew soon so I better get going. Congrats again guys." she says and hugs us both. We watch her leave and Jax says "I think she will be okay. She never really had a support system and you have set that up for her. Thank you." he says. "I don't want to see her hurt. She's not a bad person." I say.

We enjoy the rest of our wedding reception before being carted away to the cabin for the weekend for our honeymoon where we spend the weekend making love and enjoying being married finally.

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