A Hard Hello

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"Hey, Ashton," She greeted me with a smile upon her cheeks, bringing me into an embrace.

"Juliet," I returned, "You look beautiful. I like the hair."

Juliet's hand gravitated to the ends of her hair, touching them for just a moment before telling me, "I did it a couple of years ago. I liked it too - decided to keep it this way."

"Good choice," I nodded my head lightly, finding a small lull in the conversation where I didn't quite know what to say. The problem wasn't that I had nothing to say to the girl before me, but that there was too much I wanted to say and couldn't decide where to start.

Before I could say anything more, however, she asked, seeming genuinely interested, "How've you been anyway? I've been hearing a lot about you guys. You know, winning awards, breaking records."

I laughed lightly, but thinking back on my life since I had last seen Juliet, there wasn't all that much to laugh about. I glanced nervously at Calum who had a frown drawn across his face, looking at me glumly. Clearing my throat, I replied to Juliet, "I've been pretty good." I hesitated before I continued, "Enough about me though, what about you? I mean, look at this place."

Juliet grinned at the recognition, but modestly shook her head from side to side, "It's nothing really."

"Nothing?" Calum finally spoke up, laughing lightly, "I've never heard more of an understatement, Juliet."

It was like for the first time she noticed that he was standing there, that she and I weren't the only ones in that crowded room. She turned to him with a bright smile, "Calum! How are you doing?" She hugged him as well, making him smile lightly, "I haven't seen you since... geez, the last time I was in LA. Has it really been six months?"

"Yeah. It has," He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously, "Nothing has really changed though. I did start seeing someone new."

Her grinned widened at that, "Oh, that's great, Calum! I'm so happy for you!"

Calum laughed and grinned and I looked between the two curiously. Calum had never told me about running into Juliet. Calum hadn't ever known Juliet all that well, but he knew how in love with her I had been and how hard it had been for me to leave her. I couldn't help but wonder why he had never brought it up.

Tuning back into the conversation, I heard Calum say to Juliet, "...we heard of how great this restaurant was supposed to be and just had to check it out." He looked to me and I forced a smile on my face as I nodded my head in agreement.

"Well," She stepped back slightly from us, causing me to frown, "I'll let you guys get on with your night - let me know what you think, okay?"

She began to walk away, glancing back at me one last time as she did. She sent a small smile to me, which I returned before I allowed my attention to turn back to Calum as we finally sat down together at our table.

Most of our dinner was spent in silence as he knew I wanted nothing more than to talk about what happened with Juliet and I knew he wanted nothing less. So, we sat in the quiet, eating our food - delicious food - until we received the bill. I paid for my half and he paid for his. I was the first to get up from the table, making my way quickly through the restaurant and toward the car. Calum was right behind me, stepping out onto the street only a few seconds after me. By that time, I had already pulled out my phone and opened my Uber app.

Calum seemed to notice, asking, "Aren't we going back to my place for a while? I thought we were going to watch a movie." He spoke quietly like he was trying his hardest not to strike a nerve with me. Everyone had been doing that lately. Even when I wasn't acting strange and didn't appear to be upset my friends and family chose their words carefully, tiptoeing their way around my feelings like I would have a breakdown if someone made mention of anything even remotely upsetting.

I hesitated for a moment before muttering, "I'm tired. I'm just going to head home."

I kept my eyes on my phone screen, though I could feel his studying gaze on me, analyzing whether or not he should push me, "I can give you a ride. You don't need to spend the money on the Uber."

"No thanks," I automatically declined, lifting my finger to press the button that ordered the Uber.

"Okay, stop," Calum said, dropping the soft tone and resting a hand on my wrist. I looked over at him, turning off my phone and letting him speak, "Do you really want to do this? You want to talk about Juliet?"

I scoffed, "Do you really have to ask me that? Of course I do."

The One That Got Away - 5SOS // Ashton Irwin (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now