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3rd Persons Pov

Atsushi woke up at 7:02 in the morning from his alarm on his phone and he smacked it onto the floor and before he knew it someone barged into his room disturbing his "continued" beauty sleep and that person was no other than dazai.

"ATSUSHI WAKE THE FUCK UP I WANNA EAT YOUR DELICIOUS FOOD BECAUSE THIS IS A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR ME OKAY MORE LIKE ALWAYS!" dazai shouted right into his ear and that just made atsushi jump and fall off of his bed.

(Lamo me okay into the story)

"Dazai what the fuck?! God it's 7 in the morning why are you up and how did you even get into my apartment I thought I locked the door unless you broke it again". Atsushi said and he got up from the floor and made his way to his wardrobe and got his clothes and went into the bathroom to shower.

"Well It's a Tuesday and it's lucky that it's a shorter day than the rest of the other hell whole days but besides I wanted your breakfast food at the bakery cmon! Stop waisting all your time in the shower or I'll shove a spool up your ass" dazai said as he was clearly annoyed he woke up earlier than his friend and wanted some coffee and bagels.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming hold your man titties!"
The other shouted as he got finish dressing from the inside of the bathroom door and opened it just to check himself in the mirror and grab his boots.

"Yippee oh and I'm seriously gonna shove a fucking wooden spoon up your ass if you start complaining about having to get up for me just to get some food" he said as he started at the other in complete seriousness but also sarcasm.

"Okay okay geez but it's Tuesday so the coffee shop is already open because Kaylen already opened the shop because it was her shift hour" atsushi explained because clearly dazai forgot about their other friends shift at 5 in the morning.

So the both of them head over to the cafe not forgetting to lock the apartment and getting their bags. As both boys were walking through the streets they saw what you will never believe they saw Chuuya And Akutagawa heading into the cafe.

"OH MY GOD HEY ATSUSHI DID U SEE WHAT I SAW IT WAS CHUUYA HE WALKED INTO THE CAF-" but unfortunately dazai was cut of by atsushi hitting him in the back of the head and dragging his to the cafe and ignore the stares.

"Shut the fuck up and I know I have eye holes for a reason but I saw Akutagawa AKU IM eKK okay okay I'm okay I'm sksjslnsk-" he was cut off as he bumped into the cafe's door "oof" he said and then rubbed his nose as dazai was laughing his ass off and he opened the cafe door.

Both of them saw Chuuya and Akutagawa sitting near the window in the back with their chairs facing the entrance and they both saw them both look up from their coffee's as Akutagawa and Atsushi made eye contact he saw Akutagawa eyes widen a bit and atsushi lets say Widen but he blushed and dragged dazai to the inside of the cafe and to get him to snap out of drooling over Chuuya as those two had also made eye contact.

"Oh my god Sushi did u not see the way Chuuya was looking at me I was fucking shook AhH IM FDGDJJGjh I cant speak!" Dazai whispered to Atsushi as they made their way to the back counter.

"Yeah I did see I'm not blind and I saw Akutagawa too w-we both made eye contact t-together..." atsushi said as he was blushing thinking of Akutagawa eyes but then grabbed a couple of bagels and sweets as dazai got them both some coffee so they can take it along the way to school not noticing the stares of no one other than Akutagawa and Chuuya.

Just then Kaylen came back to the counter and asked them to fill her a cup as she's gonna go and switch her shift with Dahlen cause she has to go to class as her teacher changed the schedule and she rushed to change out of her work clothes.

Then dazai grabbed the bagels and atsushi gave Kaylens coffee as she came out of the back room and grabbed her coffee not forgetting to shout at dazai and atsushi as she left the cafe thanking them for making her coffee as both boys shouted back their replies before she left.

So atsushi gave dazai his coffee and grabbed his own and both not forgetting to greet dahlen as she walked in the cafe and are about to leave the cafe as atsushi jumped into someone and good thing his coffee didn't spill but he did make and "oof" sound and he look up and it was no other than Akutagawa himself.

Ahhhh hey guys I'm back and I got an idea so I changed it up a bit and uhh new writing style? Lol but anyways 1K READS GUYS WOW THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH IT MEANS ALOT TO ME AHH I NEVER THOUGHT ID mAkE IT tHiS FAr THAnK YOU ALL <33 and 917 words wow lol but thank you all for supporting this book and you are blessed with this chapter!! See you then!!

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