"It Hurts"

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Words. They hurt
They're small things that hurt so much
like a paper cut,
stinging a little but last a long time
they're small things that make a big difference
"How can something so small hurt so much"
I don't know but
it stings
even a memory
it hurts
like a punch to the heart
It makes me cry
I smile I laugh
Inside it hurts
I can't show it tho, No I can't
"they'll think I'm sensitive Or weak."
"it's just a joke don't be so sensitive"
I can't help it.

I'm sad
I'm scared that when I tell people that they'll think I'm asking for attention.
I'm scared of being judged and being cast out
I can do things perfectly and fail them when I'm being watched.
Because I'm scared to disappoint
That's why I'm here
Typing my feelings out coz I can't bring myself to tell people
When I do tell people
I regret it right after thinking
What did they think
Why did I tell them so casually
Do they think I'm over reacting
Being dramatic
I'm scared
I'm sorry

It hurts.

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