(5) Your smile is the cure💛

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It was pretty dark,you couldnt see anything or anyone.
The last thing you remember was just sleeping next to your nii-sans.

"Nii-sans....? W-where are y-you?"
You called out to your nii-sans but no answer....only....silence.
You panicked and start to run.You didnt know where you were heading,it was just pitch black, everywhere,on the ground,the walls,ahead of you,even behind you.

That's when you tripped over something and fell.
"O-oww..ughh.." You scraped your knee.

"Nii-sans! Where are you?!!" You screamed on the top of your lungs,almost crying.

Thats when your six brothers appear,forming a circle around you.
"N-nii.....sans?...whats going o-on?"
You were still on the ground,clutching on your scrapped knee.

But instead of your brothers helping you up,they just started laughing at you.

"HAHHAHA! She's alot weaker than I thought!" Osomatsu laughed as he pointed towards you.
"A Zistar? More like a LOZER!" Karamatsu teased.
"Im honestly a little embarassed to have an imoto like you..." Choromatsu said as he tries not to laugh.

"Heh...stupid girl" Ichimatsu chuckled.
"Loser!loser!loser!" Jyushimatsu cheered,jumping around.

"Smile for the camera,LOSER!" Totty screamed to get your attention as he takes millions of selfies of you.

"STOP! ENOUGH! PLEASE,WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!?" You screamed at them as you were about to lose your voice.

Then you hear them chanting something.

"Terrible sister,terrible sister,terrble sister,terrible sister, terrible sister,terrible sister,terrible sister"


You sat up straight on the futon,sweating.Your eyes were puffy and red from crying.

You look around,and you see your brothers sleeping aswell.You let out a huge sigh of relief.

It was just a nightmare you thought to yourself.
You went out of the bedroom and downstairs and grabbed a cup of milk to calm yourself down.

The cup of milk was in your hands,you stared at it for awhile,you're now gripping on it.
What was this wierd feeling? It makes you sick,you still remembered what your brothers said to you in that nightmare.Then a tear dropped into the cup,you didnt even notice you were crying-


Your hand jerked,making you drop the cup of milk and the glass shattered everywhere and milk was all over your pajamas.
You turned around and saw....

"Jyushimatsu nii-san?" You barely said above a whisper.
"(Y/N)....w-whats wrong?" He stuttered as his eyebrows slowly narrowed up,although his big empty smile was still there.A tear went down your cheek.He ran up to you and hugged you.

"You had a nightmare...did you?" He said softly.
"You know me so well...heh" You let out a nervous chuckle before crying into his shoulder.

"D-do you think Im a....terrible s-sister?" You sniffed.
"WHAT?! OFCOURSE NOT!" Jyushimatsu yelled a bit as he pulls away from the hug and cupped your cheeks.

"You're probably the best sister we could ever have! You're smart,funny,pretty-I MEAN COOL!" He blushed a bit at the last part.Then you see his smile slowly turns into a frown,then a tear escaped his eye.

"J-Jyushimatsu nii-san! Dont cry! Im..ermm..Im sorry..." You panicked a bit.

"Im sorry I couldnt...be a better...'sniff'..brother" He continues to cry.

"Umm..uuhh...h-hey,do you know what will make me happy again?" You asked him,he looks at you in confusion.

"Smile for me....please?"

"H-huh...?" He wiped a tear in his eye.
"I hate it when Jyushimatsu nii-san is sad.....please smile..." You look at him with a sad smile.
"I...I dont.." He looks to the side.

"Okay, YOU ASKED FOR IT!" You said before tickling him,making him laugh.

"Okay! Okay! I give up-HAHAHA!"

You stopped tickling him and smile.
"How about we play baseball together tomorrow?" He asked,still trying to recover the laughter.

"Really?! Yes!" You hugged him, making his body a little warm.He giggles a little bit.

"Muscle! muscle! Hustle! Hustle!"
The both of you chanted as you two went upstairs,back to the bedroom.

Osomatsu san x Sister!readerWhere stories live. Discover now