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It's now the morning and the girls are on the way back, Corey left an hour ago and I tried my best to hide everything and before I know it the door was open and the girls got in.
Victoria: "Well"
Me: "Well what?"
Victoria: "How was your night alone?"
Me: "It felt great actually, I needed some alone time"
Natalie walks into the bedroom and it looked like nothing had happened although I know something happened last night, of course I promised Corey I wouldn't mention anything to anyone but it was a interesting experience.
Natalie: "So you didn't sleep?"
Me: "Oh I did, I just woke up early and tidy up after myself"
Natalie: "Oh well, ok"
(I smiled)
I went out for a walk and the girls were talking about what they did last night while I wasn't around and yeah they talk a lot, sometimes I can't hear myself think they talk that much.
Natalie: "TJ is such a sweetheart"
Victoria: "I just know Colby is gonna be my man eventually"
Natalie: "Vick, what's this?"
Victoria: "What's what?"
(Natalie showed her a condom wrapper)
Victoria: "What the fuck? How did a condom wrapper get in here?"
Natalie: "I don't know but when Ava gets here we are gonna find out"
Little do I know I'm gonna be in huge trouble but I don't know it yet, I was just shopping away and walking around not knowing anything of it.
I really thought Corey would've disposed of everything but oh well.
I got in and Natalie gave me "The Look" and I have no idea what it is all about, I only just got in to her giving me that look she gives when she knows people are up to no good.
Natalie: "Ava, can I have a word?"
Me: "Yeah, of course"
Natalie: "You know when you were here on your own last night?"
Me: "Yeah"
Natalie: "Are you positive that you had no one with you last night?"
Me: "No, why?"
Natalie: "What is this doing in the room then? Because that was not there yesterday"
(Shows the wrapper)
Me: "I don't know how it got there"
Natalie: "Just tell me the truth"
Me: "You think I'm lying don't you?"
Natalie: "Well you have been acting up lately, what's up? What's going on? You can tell me, I won't get mad, I promise"
Me: "Nothing is going on I swear"
Natalie: "I can tell that something is wrong"
Me: "Ok promise you won't say anything to Victoria then"
Natalie: "I promise"
Me: "Ok, well I saw Corey yesterday"
I explained to her about what I heard that day and everything and the fact that Tom and Corey were talking about me and that I over heard it and what he was saying about my friends.
Natalie: "He told you not to tell us that he likes you?"
Me: "Yeah, so I made him a deal"
Natalie: "And what's the deal?"
Me: "I wouldn't say anything to you guys if he takes me on a date"
Natalie: "Oh My God"
Me: "I told you, if you see him do not let on that you know or he will get pissed at me"
Natalie: "I promise"
The deal was already sealed, I lied about the date part because the deal already happened last night.
I confirmed to her that I don't know how the wrapper got in the house but to be fair there was loads of condom wrappers in the next room and it can be windy which explained how it got there but I know nothing according to Natalie.
I hope Natalie says nothing to Victoria, I told her about finding out about Corey, Victoria told me to be careful and if he hurts me I will get "I told you so" down my ears all day and I don't want that.
I think Natalie is good at keeping secrets so I have nothing to worry about, I do have the bestest friends in the whole world who I can count on, they are always concerned about me and they never let me down, Natalie and Victoria are always there for me.

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