I believe in you

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(Its 6 it the morning when I wake up and start to cry when my mother layla walks in)
Layla:Why are you crying sweetie what's wrong?
Me:I don't know mom.
Layla:Come on get dressed today your auditioning for Adam Lambert's band.
Me:I know mom.
Layla:I just so happy for you.
Me:Thanks mom.
(I go to my closet and pick out a black dress with some white lace around the bottom and neck some lacy leggings and some Louis Vuitton heels and think as I got ready)
Layla:You ready honey?
Me:Yeah mom hold on.
Layla:Ok baby.
(I walk downstairs and stop at the last step)
Me:What do you think?
Layla:You look beautiful.
Me:Shall we go?
Layla:Yes your father would be proud of you.
Me:I miss dad.
Layla:I do to baby.
(Me and my mom walk outside to her car and drive to the studio)
Me:Wish me luck.
Layla:good luck baby love you.
Me:love you too.
(I walk in the door and wait until I get called)
Me:Yes mr pittman?
Monte:Follow me please.
Me:Yes sir.
(We get into a room the was painted with black and blue paint)
Adam:Hello ms Leria.
Me:Hello Mr Lambert.
Adam:Your polite I like that please tell me why did you get into music?
Me:I always loved music it always helped me calmed me down when my emotions got to me.
Adam:Ok Leria please tell me what will you be doing for us today.
Me:Play bass.
Adam:Ok please start.
(I start playing bass I played bohemian rhapsody by Queen)
Adam:Congratulations ms Leria you got the job.
Me:Thank you mr Lambert.
Adam:Your welcome Leria.
Me:If I may ask when do I start?
Adam:We start tomorrow at noon.
Me:Thank you Mr Lambert.
Adam:Your welcome Leria.
(I walk outside on the curb for my mother to pick me up and I start crying and Adam walks out and sees me crying)
Adam:What's wrong ms Leria aren't you happy you got the job?
Me:Yes Mr Lambert but the reason why I'm crying is different.
Adam:What happened?
Me:Well Mr Lambert I lost my father I found out that my brother is currently in the hospital facing leukemia and that my sister is infertile.
Adam:I'm so sorry ms Leria if there anything I can do let me know.
Me:Thank you Mr Lambert.
Adam:Your welcome ms Leria.
Layla:look's like you made a new friend.
Me:Yes mom this is mr Lambert.
Adam:its great to meet you ms…
Adam:Yes ms rosewood your daughter got the job.
Layla:Thank you mr Lambert.
Adam:We start tomorrow at noon and ms Leria don't worry about being late I want you rest.
Me:Yes Mr Lambert thank you.
Adam:Your welcome ms Leria.
Me:Have a nice day Mr Lambert.
Adam:Same too you ms Leria.
Layla:Thank you again Mr Lambert.
Adam:your welcome ms rosewood now please go home its not safe out here at night.
Me:Yes Mr Lambert.
(Adam starts walking away and me and mom drives off)
Layla:He seems nice.
Me I know but what did he mean its not safe out here at night?
Layla:Hes probably messing with us.
Me:Your right I'm being paranoid.
Layla:I love you sweetheart.
Me:I love you too mom.
(Me and mom make it to the house and lay on my bed but decide to go for a walk)
Layla:Where are you going sweetie?
Me:Just on the step.
Layla:Ok baby be careful.
Me:Ok mom.
(I step outside go down the stairs and start walking until I heard a noise)
Me thinking to myself:What the hell was that it sounded like a fucking bomb going off.
(I keep on walking but stop cause I heard something)
Me thinking to myself:Ok this is scaring the hell out of me I going back home.
(I start walking back to the house until something grabs me)
Me:Who are you what do you want?
Eric:You shouldn't have come here.
Me:Leave me alone.
Eric:Stay still.
(I do as I was told I feel something sharp on my neck piercing my skin then he let's go)
Eric:Now go home.
(I got back home with blood running down my neck and head ti my room)
Me thinking to myself:I gotta go to sleep I have to work tomorrow.
(When morning came I get get up and put on some black skinny jeans a black top shirt and some high heel wedges and some black eyeshadow and black lipstick and walk down stairs)
Me:Bye mom I'm going to work.
Layla:Ok angel have fun.
Me:Fuck off.
(I walk to works and wait for the group to come I decide to gonthrough my purse and look for some food)
Adam:Sorry I'm late ms Leria.
Me:I don't care.
Me:I'm not repeating it again.
Adam:What's gotten into you you weren't like this yesterday? 
Me:Does it look like I care?
Adam:Whats that on your neck?
Me:Why do you care?
Adam:Cause this could affect you in a terrible terrible way.
Me:Yeah I still don't care. 
(I turn to walk away from Adam but he grabs my wrist and I quickly turn back and hiss at him)
(Tommy comes running in and see's  Adam in fear)
Tommy:Adam what's wrong why are you scared?
Me:Hello Thomas.
Tommy:Who are you?
Me:My name is Leria I'm the new recruit I can see why this idiot right likes you.
Adam:She wasn't like this yesterday when she auditioned.
Tommy:I see what's happening to her a vampire bit her if we don't find who bit if we don't she'll be like this forever.
Adam:How do we know who bit her?
Tommy:Easy we follow her after work and see where she goes.
Adam:Ok let's go get some Starbucks.
Me:Bye Thomas bye Lambert.
Adam:Leria we'll be back soon.
Me:Fuck off.
Tommy:she'll be fine just don't pay attention.
Adam:Tommy I'm scared what is it was Luke?
Tommy:Who's Luke?
Adam:He was a friend but we stopped being friends cause he started doing seances and one of them worked and he's now living in the darkness as a vampire and trying to create a vampire group.
Tommy:Why would he do that?
Adam:Cause he wants to rule the world.
Tommy:We have to find him.
(Adam and Tommy hear a scream coming from the studio and quickly runs back)
Ashley:Help me.
Adam:Leria get off her.
Me:No I'm thirsty.
Tommy:Drink from me not her.
Adam:Tommy what are you doing?
Tommy:Its ok I'll be fine.
Me:No you won't (evil laughter)
Adam:Please be careful.
(I run up behind Tommy and tilt his head and sink my teeth into his skin and he flinches in pain)
Adam:Please Leria please stop.
(I let go of Tommy and he collapses on the floor)
Adam:Please be ok please pretty kitty please.
Tommy:I'm ok she can't turn me.
Me:What happened why is my mouth covered in blood?
Adam:Don't play dumb.
Tommy:She's not she really can't remember thats gonna happen whenever she through feeding?
Ashley:That bitch is fucking nuts.
Tommy:Ashley calm down.
Ashley:No she almost fucking killed me.
Me:What did you just say?
Ashley:I said your a fucking crazy bitch.
Me:You shouldn't have said that.
Ashley:What are you gonna do hit me.
Me:Hit you that cute but no its something way worse.
Tommy:Ashley what the fuck are you doing?
Ashley:Standing my ground.
Tommy:You don't get it Ashley if she gets to you she will not stop torturing you until your dead you have to apologize.
Ashley:fine Leria I'm sorry I called you a  crazy bitch it was uncalled for.
Me calming down:it's ok I just don't know what's happening.
Tommy:Leria come here please.
(I walk over to Tommy who's still on the floor)
Me:Yes sir?
Tommy:Please don't be alarmed by this.
Me:What do you mean don't be alarmed?
Tommy:Adam do you want to tell her?
Me:Adam what's happening to me?
Adam:Leria your a vampire.
Me:Is that why is felt like someone was trying to call me towards them last night.
Adam:What exactly did you do last night?
Me:Well when me and my mother got home we went inside made some pasta then I layer in bed for a while then went outside in front and leaned over the rail cause I was sick to my stomach and then someone grabbed my wrist and started squeezing it the pain was bad the he told me to stay still so I did cause I was scared then I felt a sharp pain in my neck then I started to get warm and fuzzy inside it felt oddly amazing then when I went back inside and when to my room and sat on my bed I start getting dizzy then I fell on the floor my mom came in to check on me she told me I was spazzing out then I woke up talked to my mom this morning then came here.
Tommy:Oh my god.
Tommy:Whoever bit you is the most powerful it only takes four days for the transformation to be completed.
Me:I don't feel too good.
(I fall on the floor in pain and then pass out)
Adam:Leria are you ok Tommy what happened to her?
Tommy:The transformation is painful it's to much for her to handle.
Adam:Can we stop it?
Tommy:The only way is if we find the one who bit her and kill him.
Adam:What happens if the transformation is complete.
Tommy:Then we can would have to get use to having a vampire in the band.
Adam:What about her bloodthirst control?
Tommy:She will be able to control it when the transformation is complete.
(I wake up and attack Adam)
Adam:Leria please don't.
Me:I never thought I would hear Adam Lambert beg your weak Lambert.
Tommy:Leria no.
Me:Why do care about this weakling huh Thomas?
Tommy:Cause he means the world to me.
Me:such a pity your all weak.
Ashley:bitch who you calling weak?
Me:All of you.
Adam:Leria just feed off me ok don't hurt my friends.
Me:yeah right do also want me to sing you lullaby so you can fall asleep at night.
Adam:Just do it ok?
Me:fine I never expected you of all people to be so weak.
Tommy:Please be careful Adam.
(I bend down  tilt Adam's head and slowly sink my teeth into his skin)
Tommy:Please be ok.
Adam:I love you pretty kitty.
Tommy:Please don't Leria please don't.
Me:Why do even care about him hes just using you he's weak.
Tommy:No he's not he been there for me when I needed him the most.
(Ashley runs up to me and attacks me Tommy crawls towards Adam holding him)
Tommy:Please don't leave me I need you I want you in my life.
Adam:Tommy I'm sorry this would have never happened if I hadn't hired her I'm sorry pretty kitty.
Tommy:Please don't die Adam I love you I love you more than just a friend I can't have you die your to important to me please I don't care about me I care about you please don't go.
(I tear falls onto Adam cheek and Adam wakes up and hugs Tommy)
Adam:I love you pretty kitty.
Tommy:Thank god if I lost you I would have ended it just to be with you.
Adam:Pretty kitty I'm so sorry if I scared you I never want to do that again.
Tommy:I know Adam I love you your not weak your the strongest person I know I never want to loose you.
Me crying :I'm sorry guys I didn't mean to I hate myself for doing that it would be better if I just end it I'm so sorry.
Tommy:Its ok but please don't do that again.
Adam:I forgive you besides you can't control it.
Ashley:It's ok I forgive you.
Me:I wish I could reverse time this would have never happened if I didn't go outside I want a normal life I hate myself for doing that it wasn't right now I can't help but cry Ashley was right I am a crazy fucking bitch I don't deserve this neither do you I want to make it better but I don't know how I didn't want to cause pain in people lives but I did I want to reverse time.
Tommy:Its ok we all forgave you.
Me:Thank you.
Tommy:your welcome.
(Ok guys this is gonna be it for this chapter of this fanfic I hope you like it)

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