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Lucius POV

I was leaving Draco on the train station for Hogwarts, as it was now his first day. I saw many familiar people but didn't speak to them as I warned Draco by telling him not to handout with Potter and his friends. I had also told him about Severus Snape to tell him that they would be checking on him. 

Draco rolled his eyes and said, "I'll see you in the winter father" I looked at him and nodded as he went inside the train as I looked at him then away as I looked to my right as saw (Y/N) as it left me confused to see her there as she was with a little boy who was now hugging her as he waved at her. I began to ask myself 'Does she have a son?' Just by thinking that she was probably married made me sigh as I noticed she looked at my direction and smile. 

Your POV

You walked over to Lucius and said, "Hello Lucius, I didn't know you were going to be here" he slightly smiled and looked at me as he said, "I was leaving my son Draco, How about you?" You smile and said, "I was actually leaving my brother since it will be his first year at Hogwarts. He was pretty nervous." You waited for the train to leave as Lucius stand beside you as he fixed his coat watching the train as it started to leave.

Many people were looking at you both as they were confused to see Lucius with a woman as he had been alone for a really long time. As he looked at them, they quickly looked away as they had always been afraid of him. You started to feel your cheeks turn red and had to look away as he said in a low whisper, "Do you want to come over for a cup of tea?" You looked at him and nodded accepting to have a tea with him. You both walked together as he held you close to make sure you wouldn't bump into someone as you guys walked. 

Lucius Malfoy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now