Chapter 28:Good kitty

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At the abandoned headquarters 

After when they crash Dash came out.

Dash: that was close.

Until the black cat that Dash followed came.

(Cat meowing).

Dash: hello did you get here?

Until the cat jump on Dash and pulls out a tracking device.

Dash: oh I forgot that Felica put a tracker on me. Can you forgive me?

Until the cat started to purr and licking his hands.

Black cat: he really loves you.

Dash: Black cat.

Black cat: you found blue?

Dash: yeah....and I.....I.

And black cat hugged him and kissed his cheek.

Black cat: I miss you...and I love you.

Dash: thank you.

Until vampire Violet came.

Vampire Violet: Dash!

Dash: that's my sister.

Black cat: let fight her together.

Until they started to fight vampire Violet.

Dash: you can't do this!

Vampire Violet: yes I can!

Black cat: how by kill people when your vampire?

Vampire Violet: yeah! if I don't stop by getting the blood position Dracula will kill me!

Until she hit both of them with her tail.

Dash: now what?

Black cat: there's a high wire up they...

Dash: give me your grappling hook.

Until black cat passes the grappling hook and Dash hung himself up there.

Dash: woah!

Black cat: now grab it!

Until he grabbed the wires and he threw the wires into Violet and the electricity was burning  her until it going to explode.

Black cat: get down!

Until she exploded and she was burn to death.

Dash: woah.

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