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when zayn fell to the ground crying i went beside him and hugged him to calm him down and asked him what happened what he told me shocked me i din't observed untill now that louis is not around when zayn told me lou got an accident and he is in the hospital i turned to look at harry he is wide eyed the color has totally drawn out of his face i think judging by his state when i first saw him at door he was totally drunk but after listening about louis accident he became bit sobber and shocked 

we can't take niall to hospital he is bit sore and sleeping so i told josh to get the car ready

"josh please get the car" i said to josh

he immediatly went to remove the car from garrage, zayn is not week but i think everything is overwhelming him , iam upset about his behavior earlier but i will slide it for sometime, harry is not talking at all he hasn't moven from the spot where stood i just helped zayn to his feet and put a note on fridge for niall saying that lou is in accident just call when he is woken

then i dragged harry to the car and sat him in the back seat and climbed in the car beside him zayn took the passenger seat and josh is driving , zayn is urging josh to drive speed after 15 minutes we reached the hospital and we ran to the front desk  once again i have to drag harry to front desk 

zayn  is asking reception nurse about lou

"we are here about louis tomlinson , he rushed to the hospital after accident , may i know what happen to him and where is he?"

the reception girl is looking at us with bored expression and asked " who you are?" like she din't know us

zayn answered "im zayn malik, iam his emergency contact" 

she checked in the system and told we have to wait some time to know about louis condition and he is the emergency ward

so now we are waiting in the room designed for the persons waiting for patients in emergency ward , we are waiting here from last  two hours but they din,t told anything about louis and harry is staring at the opposite wall with no emotion on his face , josh sat on the floor because of lack of chairs in waiting room i sat beside harry 

"how much more time they need " i asked zayn 

zayn had enough of there non sense they are not giving any information he went to the info desk in the room and demanding for the details he is putting fight with nurses in the hospital to show him where louis is and at the same time some one caslled

" any one here for louis tomlinson" a doctor in a surgical coat asked 

we all rushed to him , for the first time in last 3 hours harry did something on his own he ran to the doctor

"how is louis " asked zayn

" hello, im doctor jack " said doc

"what happened to him ? " i asked doc

"well he got in a accident and factured his right leg and his two ribs and he got head injury so we did surgery for his injury and he is unconcious we cant tell when he will wake up but he is in room no. 317 on fifth floor " he informed us

we all rushed to his room and when we opened the door to his room he is wrapped in several bandages and hooked to several machines he is so pale and the only sound in the room is his heart moniter beeping 

zayn , josh and i went towards his bed but harry stopped in the door way looking longingly at un concious louis 

i went and dragged him inside and closed the door and dragged a chair beside lous hospital bed and made harry sit in the chair 


im in hospital chair in front of louis right now , im alone with lou boys went to grab a cofee iam unable to process anything that is happening in front of me one minute i reached home and the next i heard about lou,s accident i can,t remember anything apart from that , i can,t see lou in this condition im okay if lou is shouting at me for noreason rather than seeing him in this hospital gown wrapped up in plasters and unconcious 

he hasn,t waked up yet from yesterday im waiting for him to open his eyes but im not lucky to see the blue ocean eyes which i can look into them my whole life 

i carefully took his hand in mine and  leaned on his face and carefully pecked his cheek 

"please lou wake up please " I whispered in his ear

and suddenly there is full beeping sound 

TO BE CONTINUED................................................................











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