Hushed thoughts.

40 2 18

( Have a wonderful day. )





"You can't just leave me."

She sat there, just holding her knees close to her chest. Glancing at the dull rocks in her hand. It's slightly reflective surface, glared back a soft picture of Eti. This time, they didn't want to see their face at the moment. In fact, they didn't want to see almost everyone's face. So the hand that held the shattered peace dropped down to their side.

Soon, she needed to find a box of some sort for it. If she was planning on keeping it. How much of a pain it would be to just lose it like that. At the least she needed to find a way to hide it. Well, once the time comes, it'll come.

Now thinking of it, she wasn't exactly clean. The visual in the surface spoke loud and clear. Well, she was still tidy, but she had the smell of a storm that still lingered in their hair. The bottom of her outfit was blotched, from the outside. At this point, it was probably stained for good. With that in mind, her soles had little thorns that still kinda irritated her feet.

No matter how she tried to look at it, it couldn't be true. Devils don't just disappear like that. This had to be a prank. Kcalb, had to be getting back at her for the teasing, right? He'll be right outside the door. Well, it wouldn't be in his personality to do that.

Glancing over to the side. Was The window. Surprisingly the glass was still standing. Even the curtains are perfect. Just like it always was, slightly cracked open. Letting the fresh air in. Like some on the other openings in the once closed off area. Near a puddle of water. Still, not entirely evaporated by the suns rays.

"Hello?" A voice banged against the hall, outside of his room. It reached around the chasm, tilting up to side of her. Turning her head to mindlessly gazed upon door. She wondered if she had the will to answer it. Somehow the slightest chance if it being one of the sea creature's monsters, was a reason enough not to take that chance.

"Anyone there?" Their pitch was slightly lower. It wasn't dangerous, from what she could tell. More likely it was just her melting brain. As it asked her ear to investigate, she lifted her head. Tilting it completely to the other side, before placing her cheeks on top of her knee cap. Feeling her teeth hit the cartilage, only having a thing layer of skin in between them. Waiting, in an endless tug a war of choices. Taking a deep breath in, the only thing stopping them from crushing that door open, and giving them something other than a few words, was the echoes of questions in her brain.

She picked herself up, straightening her back, only slightly. Taking a second to sturty herself. A gentle sigh fell from her own lips. In order for her bones wouldn't just full out scream. Her dainty feet stepped on tile, pressing her entire body weight on the single foot. Before, with another groan, she swung her other foot in front, then shuffled her way to the door.

Only placing her ear on the object and waited for any sort of sound. Closing her eyes they zoned into her hearing. Searching for any food steps, whispering, movement. Most importantly she was searching for the only person she would be.


"Etihw." She spoke to herself out loud, "you're speaking nonsense." A hand clenched into a fist. Pressing itself on the door. The feeling of her heart pounded against her chest more and more, made it's self known. Hitting against them like a running mouse on a broken wheel. Why didn't they hear anything more? Not another peep came from the side, not even the voice of nature. Was it right? Then why can't she just make the world scream? Why, does everything just had to be so foggy? She couldn't even see her own hand in the mist, everything seemed to be just out of view.

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