2-Who Am I..?

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There's a time machine right in front of you. Okay, not physically, just pretend there is. Alright, so set the dial back a few notches until it reaches "Corruption." Now walk inside and press the green go button, get your guns and ammo, and prepare for a blast to the past.


Hey, you okay? It's your  first time probabaly, so it's normal for you to be a little bit dizzy, now look around, do you see anything familiar? The soccer feild? The alley way? THE FREAKING GIGANTIC WEREWOLF ZOMBIE?! Well, go on. Go find your friends. I'm sure they'll be waiting for you.

Scene Ends.

Now introducing: The New Recruit!

So if you haven't read the fist two chapters, I'm going to be saving them, by merging them into one chapter, and then adding it in the first chapters as a bonus for reading. Hope you guys have a great day/night!


"Whoa, Skai. You can't go barging in onto a new kid like that, nearly gave him an concussion with the M16 slap of yours."

"Heh, sorry. I thought they were a zombie, so I almost shot them, then I realized they were human and knocked them out."

"That doesn't mean you have to stab a tranquilizer in their neck though!" A boy yelled.

"Oh come on Elywn! What else was I supposed to do?!"

"I don't know, maybe twist their arms?! It'd be at least better for them!"

"Oh sure, as if you've seen how much 'Strengh' I have!"

"I'm not implying your weak!" With that, from what I could hear, he stomped off. I opened my eyes slightly only to see a girl with brown hair leaning over me. I grabbed some grass and thrust it in her face, I got up and ran, only to fall down with an unbearable pain in my leg. I screamed as I clutched it and started crying. The second girl, only a year younger can sprinting at me.

"Here, take this. It'll stop the pain, jeez kid, you fell from a ten story building and almost tore off your leg in the process. A zombie would've probabaly picked you off and eaten you like nothing.

She looked at the fifteen year old. "Caramel, do you think you have some gauze? Their bleeding out of their mouth and nose. 

"Well they wouldn't be bleeding out of their mouth if you didn't go sudden death mode on them..." She muttered as she took a small bag off her neck and started digging through it.

I pressed my hand to my nose, I took it away and found that I was indeed bleeding.

"Come to think of it, what's your name?" The girl named Skai asked.

I held my breath. "Landon Felton." I said.

"Your parents must love to sew." One of them snickered.

"H-Hey! At least I didn't get a scar on my eye!" I shouted.

"You're going to regret that!" Skai screamed as she stood up and revealed her M16, I froze.

"SKAILOR VINCENT! PUT THAT DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Caramel yelled, she dropped the gun and sunk back down.

"Open your mouth," She ordered. I did, she put gauze where my teeth were bleeding.

Another boy came up the hill. 

"Well, this is our new buddy?" He asked.

Skai nodded, she stuck her tongue out and pulled it in rapidly.

"This is Jace Smith, he's one of my best friends, and my— Caramel, don't you even say bodyguard, cause he's NOT!" She yelled.

He held out his hand, I shook it.

"Are you a boy, or a girl, or whatever the heck you are?"

"CARAMEL! DON'T BE RUDE!" Jace snapped. 

"Well, after I FINALLY managed to calm Elywn down, he agreed to let you on this team." He finished.

"Ah, well...In case you want to know...I'm a boy...I just like my hair long with bangs for some reason..." I looked at Caramel, who looked ready to snap my neck in half. 

"R-Really! Cool!" Skai shouted.

Jace grabbed ahold of my hand, he hoisted me up. "Well, let's get back to camp, it's sunset, zombies are going to sense us and come after everyone, especially you."

"Why?" I asked.

"You killed their leader, I learned the hard way not to do that. Not only did Caramel yell her head off at me, we had a few hordes to deal with...Nothing major, we usally run into one or two every other day." He responded.

He started walking back to the hideout. Skai eyed him nervously, as if he was about to grab a knife and go White Pumpkin on us.

What did she say about him? That he was her best friend...What else...Not a bodyguard...Oh...Does she seriously think I'm going to fall for him?! Jesus Christ, I'm straight girl! No need to be jealous about me! Unless he's bisexual...That's probabaly the problem...

I walked into the shelter, where Elywn waved at us. He dragged a chest inside, he gave it to me. It had an AK47 with atleast two hundred rounds of ammo.

"Killed a few zombies for this stuff, it's pretty great, I collected the ammo for about a year, should last you a while." He looked prideful. Not to mention the fact that Caramel was looking at him like a donkey and a llama had a child and this was the result.

A few hours later, I grabbed a blanket and walked over to the corner, they were telling ghost stories, and I hated them, not to mention Skai's was one where this girl named Marylin was kidnapped by a robot and died there...While her brother watched...I shook off that thought closed my eyes, I fell asleep there until the next night.


So go yell at me for bringing back the first book, I'm probably changing the tittle to "The New Recruit" and probabaly saving everything I've written so far for NEXT time. Sorry Enderheart, looks like your tittle won't be coming back in a while...

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