Take A Break

458 19 2

AU: Human/College
Ship(s): Logicality
T/W: None
Type: Fluff
Notes: I love this chapter.


     Patton knocked on his boyfriend's dorm room door. Virgil, his roommate, opened the door.
      "Oh thank god, you're here. You've got to pull him away from his laptop, I don't think he's eaten anything but RedBull in the past 72 hours." Virgil rushed through his words, pulling Patton into their room.
      "What? Logan!" Patton put his hands on his hips, examining his mess of a boyfriend. Logan was hunched over his computer, his hair a mess, and wearing a hoodie.
      "Logan Adam Moore," Patton tried again. Logan wasn't stupid, he knew his full name on Patton's lips was never a good thing.
      "Hello, Patton," Logan knew Patton, and Virgil for that matter, hated when he worked like his but this paper wasn't going to get done if he didn't. Patton's face softened if only by a fraction.
      "You're not in trouble, but I do want you to take a break," Patton insisted. Logan worried his teeth between his lip.
"I have a 15-page paper due in a week, Patton, I can't take a break now." Patton sighed, coming around behind Logan, resting his chin on his shoulder. Logan tensed up for only a second before completely melting against his boyfriend.
"Lolo, you have ten pages already. You can take a break."
"C'mon, Logan," Patton kissed below his ear softly. "You know you can't work yourself to the bone like this. Just take a couple of hours with me. Get you away from the computer and something to eat. Doesn't that sound nice?" Logan has to admit the offer was tempting. He adjusted his glasses with a sigh. Ultimately, Patton always won simply because Logan couldn't say no to those puppy-dog eyes.
"Fine. But only a few hours, Patton, I need to get this done," Logan said pointedly. Patton made a noise of triumph, planting a sloppy kiss on Logan's cheek, which he quickly wiped away, but his smile was evident. "Let me get dressed, I look like a mess."
"A very handsome mess." Logan rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's overly affectionate nature.
"You're gonna wanna dress light, babe," Patton commented as he saw Logan starting to put on his tie.


"The... beach?" Logan inquired, looking out the passenger side window of Patton's little blue jeep. Patton nodded pulling his keys from the ignition.
"Waves, sun, sand... plus it's just us here," Patton gestured to the vacant beach.
"Well, yes, but that's because it's going to rain in a few hours."
"Then we'll make the best of it. You can't worry about everything, Lo, sometimes you just have to let life happen. Let's go walk."
And they did. The two of them walked hand and hand in the waves, the fresh salty air blowing their hair into their faces. They talked, they laughed, and for the time it seemed like they are the only two in the world.
"Thank you," Logan stopped, brushing Patton's sandy curls out of his face. "For getting me out here. You truly mean so much to me, and I'm not sure what I would do without you." Patton smiled, standing on his toes to capture Logan in a loving kiss.
"I love you, Logan."
"I love you too, Patton."

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