Chapter 5- Meet and Greet

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[When you’re ready, come and find me.]

Yeah that’s what all the message said. How the heck am I supposed to find him? – Google Maps?! Last time I hacked, yeah, hacked. I’m one of the notorious Undefined hacker all over the world. I’m Philippine based, that’s why its pretty surprising why I can’t find him. Well, unless he has a protection from our group, whatever base his ally is. He has power. That I know. And the rest; I don’t know. Yet.

It has been 72 hours since I went inside Regency’s control system and master list, until now, tracking him weather his dead or alive. No, I’m just kidding. I’m keeping tabs on him tabs on him, since new he's new here and all; but surprisingly, there’s nothing I can find. And if it ever crossed your mind, no; I’m not an obsessed stalker. Unless if he’s a crush or something. Right? Yeah. Whatever.

His name’s not in the record list, like he never existed; no trace, no check in, no time; no way! How’s this happening?! Only someone this good could block my tracking capabilities. I should have known.

“Nick, check the record list.” JR said while eating ice cream beside me.

“Been there, done that.” I answered sluggishly, supressing my groan.

I raised my hands and stretch my back. I don’t know how long have I been sparring with the computer and the primal records. The only indication that I have to stop is when my back cracked. Glancing to the clock, it’s 3:17 am, my most recent sleep was somewhere in 8 pm, it has been 6 hours of working nonstop, and I need a break.

“Nic, you need to rest.” I stared at Jacob who stands at my left and gave me a mug of milk. Am I that tired, that I haven’t heard his arrival, or merely sense his presence? – Well, I guess, I am.

As I drunk with heavy gulps, I feel my feet starting to get numb. I push the wall behind the computer desk with my foot and the swivel chair rolls backwards. I handed the mug unto Jacob’s open palm and head to bed groggily. I’m sleepy; my brain cells might have been erased by half of its population due to radiation.

Throwing myself on the soft comfort while muttering a muffled thanks. Crawling at the side, I saw JR’s eyes rolled at my direction, still eating the whole 1.5 gallon of ice cream by himself; while Jacob went outside the room again. Peace wraps me as I fade into reality.

Jacob’s Point of View

Walking through the dark hallway, I heard a door before me shut.

In front of me is a man with black spikey hair, light brown eyes, and dark chocolate skin. Slim built suit for a graduated teenager. He’s 5’10 height hovers me with an inch.

“Nikolai.” I greeted.

He just nods at me and walks away. That was weird. He’s not himself today, he’s usually the type of guy who loves to talk and make jokes. Another busted case perhaps? And let me add, he’s a sensitive flirt.

I arrived at the kitchen and place the mug on the counter. What a dull day. Why not make it worth? I’m making this my lazy day. Time for some relaxation. As I reach the house phone on the counter to order some pizza, a heart banging explosion impels me. A loud bang sounded from my gate, panic consumed me as I left and ran outside.

Nicole’s POV

I woke up from the impact. Adrenalin rushed through my veins as I race myself to the main door. Outside, I see Jacob pointing his gun on the car armoured car. I don’t think Jacob heard the door open or noticing my presence across from him.

He acknowledge me when the door behind my back slammed revealing a newly bathed JR with his back polo shirt, cocky pants, and leather shoes. A towel behind his head in the process of drying his damp hair.

“What’s – ” He stopped at mid-sentence when he finally takes in the scenery. A gate wrecked with a destroyed centre. Left side of the gate on the floor and the right part curved and limp. Jacob with his gun drew aiming for the black Range Rover Supercharged SUV ajar door, parked on the middle of the basketball court. I know that version ‘cause my uncle has one.

I try to peek thru the tinted windows but saw nothing. Mustering all my will, and went near it.

“Wag!” Jacob shouted at me. “Don’t”

As if on cue, a shiny pointed shoe came into view, door swinging open, revealing the man I’ve been recently tracking for the past three days.

“It’s been a while, my dear.” Mr. Tachibana calmly greeted, even when Jacob’s pointing a shaking gun at him. Reading that, his emotion still high from adrenalin and shock.

Dressed in a fine tailored suit, a white button up shirt, silk navy-blue jacket, and blue trousers. Standing tall and confident with an authoritative presence was none other than the man himself.

I narrowed my eyes at him, scrutinizing if he’s real or not. My answers where delivered when JR interrupted the tension silence.

“Who’s that?”

I racked my hands through my hair and sighed.

Silently concluding, this is going to be a long day.


Hey! It's been a while, yeah? It's kind of impromptu update. No not really, since I've already made a rough draft for this. So, yeah. Enjoy!  :)

Asta La Vista! Amigos, Amigas!  ;P

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