0001 | TAKE A SIP

860 31 4

story: records
status: published
characters: evelyn lupin & harry potter

warnings: some underage
drinking and cute ass teens

EVELYN HAD BEEN RUNNING DOWN A LONG CORRIDOR, running behind her was Filch trying to get her for being out past curfew

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EVELYN HAD BEEN RUNNING DOWN A LONG CORRIDOR, running behind her was Filch trying to get her for being out past curfew. It wasn't like she cared, in all honesty, she knew that if he ended up anywhere near him she'd be able to outsmart him with her magic. But that would end her up in more trouble with Dumbledore, especially since she was in her sixth year and she should have been using this time to rest for N.E.W.T.S. That's when the door came open to her, which she quickly ran into with the hopes that it would shut right after her.

"Evelyn?" Harry's emerald green eyes popped in front of her blue orbs causing the girl to jump, she let out a deep breath placing her hand above her heart. Harry chuckled, placing his hand on her shoulder slightly.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" Her green hues looked around the room, it was cozy. The fireplace that it adorned was burning and the large bed in the corner made her lead way to believe that the emerald eyed Gryffindor was in here trying to sleep.

"I uhm," he scratched at the back of his neck, "I was trying to go to sleep. I know I'm not supposed to let him in, but when I'm sleeping it's hard not to and I've been trying everything to get to sleep. Even this." He pointed to the bottle of fire whiskey in his hand, making Evelyn's eyebrows raise.

"I can tell you a thing or two about nightmares and hearing things," Evelyn sighed taking the bottle from him, "and this is only going to make it worse. But I do know a little fun game we can play, what do you say?"

"Eve, I don't know," Harry seemed a little apprehensive, following slowly after the girl who sat in front of the fire.

"Harry, we've been dating for half a year and we barely know each other, we could do a 'take a sip each time we say something the other didn't know' that could be fun."

"I never really pegged you as the drinker, Lupin," Harry joked.

"Yeah well, I'm not to be fair, just this weeks been tough and I don't know it's a Friday night, we don't have class tomorrow, why not?"

"I uhm," Harry stumbled on his words, his eyebrows scrunching at his blonde girlfriend. She only waved the bottle at him, popping it open and taking a sip. "Bloody hell Eve, I think we're locked in."

"So I guess what they said the room of requirement is true, it works to bring out peoples feelings when they're in need," Evelyn sighed out, her head falling back with a sigh. Her green hues glanced to Harry who had moved to sit right next to her with a small smile, "I guess it wouldn't hurt anyone, right?" His hands moved to the bottle of fire whiskey, taking a quick sip of it before handing it back to Evelyn.

"If your dad could see us now, drinking fire whiskey, in a locked room, with a bed in the corner I'd wonder what he would think," Harry let out with a chuckle, making the Lupin girl's face go pink.

"He probably had something stupid like this happen to him too when he was here, you knew Sirius, he was a troublemaker from the start."

"Yeah, he was, wasn't he?" If Harry had been crying, Evelyn would have been sure that a sob would've racked through his body with the mention of Sirius, but instead all she got was a voice-crack. Taking his hand into hers, she tried to console him the best she could. But that was before he broke free of her hand and took a few more swigs of the bottle in front of them, making a face after each sip.

"So, what were you running from Eve?"

"I was just out walking, like I do when I need to think, but it was past curfew and Filch caught me." She, too, took a few more sips of the drink in response to her statement. And with just a few more sips shared between the two, giggles fell from their tipsy lips.

"You know what Harry?" Harry turned towards Evelyn, his hand propping his head up. His emerald green eyes shared a questioning glance, nodding slightly.


"I think I love you," Evelyn knew that if it wasn't for the fire whiskey she definitely would not have said that, Harry knew that too. And both of them knew that by the time they woke up from this drunken haze, they wouldn't remember any of it.

"I think I love you too," Harry sighed, taking the girl's hand into his, "but I'm scared to love you. With what's going to happen, what I can feel that's going to happen, I don't want to loose you and that scares me."

"To be completely honest," Evelyn sighed, taking another sip, "I never thought that I could be loved, considering my curse and all. I always thought that people would end up dying because of me, that no one would truly be able to love me because of it."

"I feel that," Harry muttered slightly, which caused the blonde to place her hand on his cheek. Moving his face towards hers, she caught his lips, nothing more than a sweet kiss full of nothing but love. Harry sighed into it, holding onto the girl's face, both of them seemingly sobering up because of this. Evelyn was the first to pull away, mainly because of the splitting headache she got from something, probably the fire whiskey.

"I hope that showed you, Potter," Evelyn smiled, "that you are capable of being loved."

Harry caressed the girl's cheek with his thumb, "and you are too."


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