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story: alternative universe
status: only in lindsay & i's brain
characters: august, clara, the superfam & batfam

a/n: Alright so Clara is NOT my character (such a surprise I know) — but rather is my wife (the Bruce to my Clark) awfulmoons character! Lindsay and I have spoken about how Clara & August would interact with each other so many different times that I decided to try and write this at a decent time for Lindsay's birthday! So anyways, happy birthday (it's either coming out on your birthday or after so yuh) Lindsay! Ily and I hope you enjoy our two girls being crackheads with each other & their idiot significant others.


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THERE AREN'T MANY PEOPLE OUT THERE THAT UNDERSTAND THE STRUGGLES OF HAVING SUPERNATURAL POWERS OR WHAT ITS LIKE TO HAVE A PARENT THAT IS A HERO. To have a parent that goes out saving people and the world when they can — often leaves a seat empty at the table for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Not to mention the fact that outside of their lives as heroes, they have a mask that the public can see. Every single member of the Justice League has a version of themselves that the world knows them as. Heroes that young children look up to with twinkling eyes and blankets decorated in their color scheme. Some of the members were known even without the mask, Bruce Wayne and Harlow Finley were famous in their own rights both in and out of Gotham. Having money and power would do that to you, at least, that's what Augustine Finley had figured out. She made a lot of excuses growing up, how the house was always quiet and how her mother was never home. How the only time she ever got to see her mother was the nights she also went out on patrol. Otherwise, her mother was a ghost that spent all of her time between the streets of Gotham and the hospital. Clara Kent had a better experience with her father, Clark Kent. The man of steel, he never missed a meal unless necessary. He grew up with a family that had every meal they could together, he wanted to give that to his children. Unlike Augustine, Clara had nothing to be angry about missing in her life. Not when it came to family. Clara had her mother who was a force to be reckoned with in her own right, but a mother who was there for her whenever she needed. And a father, that was something Augustine could say she didn't have.

But, then again, there were many things that Augustine had that Clara didn't. It's why they were so drawn to each other, in the way that they completed each other in ways they didn't know they needed. Augustine was older than Clara, so they never had much of a reason to talk. Not until Clara started dating Jason, not until Clara lost Jason with the rest of them. There was anger resting deep within Clara's bones, something that Clark Kent couldn't relate to. Not like that. Clara wouldn't listen to her father, the man that everyone trusts just simply because of the smile he can give people, she didn't want to listen to him. She just wanted to be angry. But, she wasn't sure who she should be angry at. The Joker? It was an obvious choice, everyone was angry at him. He was the one who did it, the one who beat Jason until he was nearly lifeless with a crowbar before leaving him in a building rigged to explode. No, she couldn't be angry at just the Joker. That felt like a cop-out, everyone knew that would be the person she would go after. Clara Kent had made the decision early on that she would be angry at Bruce Wayne — angry at him for not being there in time, for never doing a damn thing about the Joker when he had the chance. For not avenging his own son's death.

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