Diagon Alley (1st Year)

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Sophia's POV
Me, Draco, Mum and Dad we're walking into diagon alley. Draco and I were starting hogwarts this year. Dad wanted us to go to Durmstrang but mum said she didn't want us being so far away. I was actually relieved about this. I'd always wanted to go to hogwarts. My father believed that Purebloods were more important than all others. My brother Draco was agreeing with him. But mother and I disagreed. Everyone is equal in my eyes. Muggle Borns , Half-Bloods And Purebloods. Mother and father went to do something or other while Draco and I went to get our robes fitted. Draco went first. He complained the whole way though.
"No it's to tight"
"No you moron"
"You stupid woman"
Whereas I on the other hand was nice.
"It's great"
"Umm please could you loosen it it's a bit tight"
I was a polite girl. Unlike my family. When Draco has finally finished we stood at the counter. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a boy. He looked about our age. His brown hair covered his forehead. Round glasses blocking his eyes from full view. Once Draco payed he followed my gaze and saw the boy. He began to walk up to him. Hastily I followed.
"Don't you just hate mudbloods" he said gesturing to a girl with light brown curly hair. It was pretty obvious her parents were muggles. To me it didn't matter. To other Purebloods it did. Especially death eaters. Most people think they don't exist anymore since Voldemort's demise at the hand of Harry Potter. But my father still has all the beliefs he had when he was a death eater.
"Come on" A tall man said to the boy. He seemed familiar. Oh yes that was Hagrid. The grounds keeper. The boy flashed me a smile as he left which I happily returned. Draco annoyed marched out of the store to the pet shop across the street. Quickly I ran after my brother.
"Soph are you going to get an owl?" He asked me.
"Maybe or maybe a cat" I answered.
"I think owl is your best option"
Nodding I went to choose one. Eventually I came across a White and Ginger barn owl. I reached out my hand and she affectionately nipped it.
"Your perfect" I said as she flew onto my out stretched arm.
"How much?" I asked the man at the counter.
"Are you sure this is the one you want Miss Malfoy we have many finer owls over there". Came his reply.
"Yes I'm sure. How much for her"
I handed him the money and bought a cage and some food and toys too. 
"You bought that wretched thing?" Draco exclaimed disgusted as he looked at the owl I chose. Rolling my eyes I nudged him and he finally shut up.  As we were leaving I saw the boy again. Once again he smiled at me so I returned his gesture. He started to talk to Hagrid. He seemed to be asking a question.
"Sophia come on" came my fathers booming voice. Hurriedly I caught up with him.

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