First Day

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Sophia's POV
The next day we all awoke and put on our robes. Hermione and I walked down to the common room together. Once again Harry smiled at me. Smiling at him as Hermione and I exited the common room to go to breakfast.
"What class are you most excited for?" She asked me.
"Umm Charms. Definately charms. Or transfiguration"
We sat down on the Gryffindor table.
"Welcome all students to Hogwarts" Dumbledore began. He started his speech. Harry came in with Ron and sat next to me.
"Hey" he said smiling.
"Hey" I replied.
"So your in Gryffindor?" He sounded shocked as he said it.
"Yeah. My families always been in Slytherin but I always knew I wasnt the same as them"
"Well your definately different to your brother"
"How so?"
"He acts like he's above everyone else. You act as if your the same as everyone. Like were all equal."
"Well we are all equal"
He smiled again.
"I can tell were gonna be friends" This caused me to smile.
"Me to"
Soon it was time for class. Hermione grabbed my arm and dragged me to our first class. Potions. Our heads glanced at the seating chart. Harry and Hermione. Ron and Lavender. Draco and Sophia. Ugh. Why! I trudged over to my seat.
"Hey sis!" Draco called as I sat down.
"Hi" I replied. Snape began to teach. When he asked a question Hermiones hand shot up. Draco turned his head and smirked. I smacked his arm. He gave me a what did I do? Look.
Time skip to Halloween
"Can you believe its Halloween already?" I asked Hermione as we sat it the common room on halloween morning.
"I cant but honestly why is everyone making such a fuss!" She complained.
"Hey remember our first flying lesson."
"Yeah I do" she replied. Harry really put my brother in his place. We both laughed as walked to charms. Hermione was next to Ron and I was next to Harry.
"Wingardium Leviosa" I heard Hermione say. She smiled a smug look in return I shot her a smile. Soon enough I got it. A short while later Hermione and I were walking across the lawn to our next class when we saw Harry and his friends up ahead. Ron, the ginger one, seemed to be mocking someone. Hermione ran ahead of me and deliberately bumped into him. Suddenly I realised who they were mocking.
"Pick on someone who actually deserves it" i snarled at them then ran after Hermione.
"I guess she has one friend" Ron whispered to Harry. Hermione and I didnt go back to class. We just moped around in the toilets. Whilst Hermione cried I hugged her. She was my best friend. Suddenly we walked out of the stall and heard a menacing growl.

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