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"She's going to be his WHAT?" Sebastian shouted while banging his hands down on the table.  He knows Tom is a good kid, but something about how close you two have been getting is unsettling for your uncle. He has been overprotective and cautious ever since you called Troy Bolton "pretty" while watching High School Musical when you were 6. 

"She's going to be my what?" Tom bellowed, his face erupting into an excited smile without realising. This only made Sebastian's worry grow worse. 

Robert could not help but tease, along with the majority of the cast. They all made remarks about the two babies on set as your face turned an alarming shade of red. 

Joe quieted everyone down before speaking again, "Rachel is going to meet Peter and some of the other avengers at the same time they meet some of the guardians. You will all 'face off' before teaming up to destroy Thanos. During this, Spidey and Nova will form an awkward sort of middle school relationship." this comment makes everyone but you and Tom burst into a fit of laughter. 

After about an hour more of discussing the movie, the cast is dismissed from the table to go eat lunch. You follow Uncle Evans as he gravitates to the Pizza. As you stand and eat, you are startled by two muscular arms wrapping around you and lifting you up into the air. 

"Put me down Hemsworth!!" you scream. He laughs and steals your slice of pizza as he puts you back on the ground. Soon, you are joined by a few more familiar faces; Scarlet, Downey, and Sebastian. 

When Sebastian got cast as Bucky, you were the first person he told. You and your uncle have always been unbelievably close, partly because you had bonded over your collective love of movies, especially superhero ones. Your parents were never home much, so you would watch them as be babysat you. He would bring you to set as often as he could, or whenever your parents were not able to take care of you. This lead you to becoming pretty close with Chris Evans, who you would later come to know as "Uncle Evans". You even got to go to the premier of The first Avenger, where you met Robert and Hemsworth, who soon after became very important people in your life, and honorary uncles. As the years went on, you would meet more of your uncles cast members, and become close with each one. They have always felt like family to you, but now, you get to actually be apart of the MCU family as Nova, and you could not be happier. 

You spent the rest of your time at the meeting reminiscing with long time friends and talking about how cool it will be to work with them. You try multiple times to find Tom in this chaotic crowd of actors, but no attempts are successful.  When it was finally time to leave, you say your goodbyes and head out with Seb. As you put one foot inside of the large Jeep, you hear a desperate voice call your name.

"YN!!" calls Tom as he is running towards you.

"Tom!" You gasp as you get out of the car, "I am so sorry we barely spent any time together today!"

"don't worry, YN. This was only our first meeting, we have plenty of time to get to know each other. Although, if you did wanna make up the time we lost today, we could grab some coffee tomorrow?" Tom asks as he softly grins.

"I'd love to" you smile and climb back into the vehicle. "text me!" you call out through the window as you drive away. 

Tom is left in the parking lot flustered. He still cannot get over the fact that he is lucky enough to have you as his love interest; in the movie, and he hopes real life.

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