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Alec's POV:

I have falling in-love Valora. She completes me very well. We have been inseparable since the day I changed her. "Hey, my love, what are you reading?" I asked her. "This thing about the Cullens. Who are they?" she asked me. "Well its a family that goes to a school with humans. None of their classmates know that they are vampires except one human. Her name is Bella Swan. One of the Cullens, Edward, fell inlove with her and she was also human. And she is still human," I said to her.

Jane walks into the room. "Alec, Valora, Aro needs you, two including me, Dmitri, and Felix," Jane said. We followed Jane to the main floor.

"Felix, Dmitri, Jane, Alec and Valora. I need you five need to go on a mission. In Settle, Washington, USA. There are a group of vampires killing humans. Go there. It might have something to do with the Cullens. Remember my decisions are being watched by Alice Cullen. You may go now," Aro said. We headed out of the building.

Within a few hours of running, we got to Settle. "What did I say about low profile!" the boy yelled. "Something is coming, more powerful than us. And if you can't control yourselves, we are all going to die," he said. All of the vampires looked at them and they continued to kill more humans.

We looked over them. "They have already drew to much attention," Dmitri said. "What if they question the Volturi's effectivness?" Felix asked. "Let them," Jane said. Valora looked over the balcony. She was trying to control her hunger for blood. "Valora, you alright?" I asked her. "I smell to much blood. I'm trying to control my hunger for blood," she said to me. "Maybe we should consult with Aro," Felix said. We all turned around. Jane puts Felix in pain. "ARO'S DECISIONS ARE BEING WATCHED!" my twin yelled at him.

I walked up to my sister. "Well decide. Its time," I said to my twin. "Well then," my twin said. We looked back at the crowd. "They have to do what they are created for or end their life," Jane said.

Valora's POV:

I looked over the balcony. I can't believe what I'm seeing. I see they are very strong as I am. I have only been a vampire for one month. Alec grabbed my hand and held it. "Don't worry, my love. You are more stronger than the other newborn vampires. Even the ones down there," Alec said to me.

We walked away before the leader looked at us all.

Alec's POV:

We didn't head back to Italy. We waited a few more days to go back. We went to visit the Cullen Family. "They're coming," Alice said. We walked slow. Valora is holding my hand. As soon as we stopped, we put our hoods down.  "Well well, you manage to kill them all," Jane said. "We are lucky," Carlise said.  I notice Bella was staring at Valora. She notice Valora was trying to hold her hunger. "I appears we missed a very awesome fight," I said to them.

Jane noticed that there was another newborn vampire. The girl looked very scared. She reminded me of Valora. Scared and sad. "Who created you!" Valora yelled at the girl. Jane put her in pain. The girl screamed blood murder. "You don't need to do that to her. She will tell you anything," Esme said.

The girl gasped for breath. "Riley never told us who did," the girl said. "Her name was Victoria," Edward said. "Felix," Jane said. Felix nodded his head. "Wait. Why don't we let her join our coven," Valora asked. "Shut up, Valora, don't make me tell Felix to kill you," Jane said to her. Valora went silent. I got very pissed off at my twin for yelling at her. "Take care of her, Felix. Now!" Jane said.

I covered Valora's eyes so she doesn't see Felix kill the girl. After Felix killed the innocent girl, we went back to Italy. Valora couldn't get over Felix killing the girl. I rushed over to Valora. "Valora, whats wrong, my love," I asked her. "I can't get over on we Felix did to the innocent girl. Who died and put Jane incharge? She think she can control everything on what we do," Valora said. "Aro always puts her in charge and I'm not sure why. Pretty much he trusts her more than any of us," I said to her.

She had her tears coming out of her eyes but it was blood. "Valora, your tears are blood," I said to her. She felt her tear and it was blood. "Your right, Alec, I don't know my eyes shed tears in blood," she said to me. I cleaned her eyes out with wash rag. I hugged her. I felt her trembling as I hugged her. "Valora, I want to tell you something," I said to her. She looked at me. "Valora, I love you. And always will love you," I said to her. "I love you too, Alec," she said. I leaned over her and kissed her on her soft lips. I lifted her up and walked her to the red room where she slept in when she was still human. I layed her on the bed and I layed right next to her.



Well Alec finally admitts to Valora that he loves her. If you notice that Jane is jealous of Valora. Why is Jane jealous of Valora? What did Valora do to make Jane jealous? Will Alec and Valora be together forever? Put your predictions in the comments below.

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