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BOX! Box box box box box box BOX!


"OH MY WHISKERS! I LOVE THIS BOX!" I scream running around my new castle before diving into it.

"Can it Cat! You'll wake everyone up." Pixie growls as I stick my head out.

"But Pixie! It's a box! A cardboard box!" I say before ducking back inside and rolling around. Ooh it scratches my back in just the right spot!

"C'mon Kitty. We need to go over the plan." Ribbon says coming over to pick me up. I try attacking her hands with my paws but it doesn't work.

"But my castle's gonna be taken over!" I whine trying to get out of her hold as she carries me to the table.

"Don't worry, no one's gonna touch it." She says setting me down. I look at the escape plan Mal had drawn out.

"Okay, we all know what this looks like. So it'll be up on the dais under the beast's spell jar, and we'll be coming in from here." Pixie says tracing the path on the map. I try catching her finger for her to quickly pick it up and scratch under my chin.

"I will be in the very front. You all will be up in the balcony. Carlos?"

"Okay, so I'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier, and, uh, get back on the island with the wand." Carlos states.

"Perfect. Evie?"


"You will use this to take out the driver." Mal holds up the knock out spray, "Two sprays and he'll be out like a light."

"Okay." Ribbon sighs taking it. The guys nod and head to their beds as I roll onto my back but feel something scratch me, and not in a good way. I roll back over to see I was on Mal's spell book with the page opened to the love spell antidote.

"Pixie?" I ask. "You want to break Pupper's love spell?"

"Yeah. You know, for after." She pauses as she and Evie sit down, "I don't... I've just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon, and begin to loot and kick everyone out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful, Ben still being in love with me just seems a little extra. . . cruel." I pin my ears back. My ship's gonna sink. Mal gets up and grabs the book.

"M?" Ribbon asks but Mal had already gone out. I turn to her.

"Why don't we go back to our dorm? It's almost bedtime anyway." E says for me to jump off the table and turn back to human form before I grab my box. We say goodnight to the boys and head to our room. As we get ready for bed there's a knock on the door.

"In come." I say before grabbing another snort of catnip. Smiley come in, as happy as ever.

"Hey Cassy, I haven't gotten the pictures developed yet but I wanted to give this to you. I asked Dexter to make it on the computer, just to give you something other than just a boring picture of yourself." She explains giving me the paper.

" She explains giving me the paper

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