Chapter Two

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The truth was Hester was dying to know what her letter was.

She wanted to rip the piece of clothing off and see... but she was afraid it would make her seem weak.

Hester had decided long ago that she didn't need anyone... but then the Coven has come around and she realized that two good friends were important.

And then Agatha had come around and she'd decided a third friend.

And then she'd gotten closer and started to care for all of her fellow students (well, not all but at least most).

And now she had a letter of her soulmate's name on her wrist and she wasn't ready to accept that.

Her younger self would probably be disgusted... but then again, Hester would have been dead at least ten times over without her friends.

She tried not to glance at where her letter was hidden, but that was difficult.


Anadil was starting to go crazy.

Who could it be?!

Just then, a blinding pain appeared in her wrist and she looked down, wide eyed.

She'd gotten another letter...

She loosened the cloth and saw it.


Anadil felt her face turn red and she quickly tightened the cloth again.

He? What could that mean?

A voice in her head whispered a name and her face turned a darker shade of red.

It's not... of course it couldn't be...

There's no way.

Just because Hester's name had an H and an E in it... and just because Anadil thought Hester was amazing and pretty and snarky and witty...

Anadil muttered a few choice words.

At one point, Anadil's words got so nasty that even Hester gave her a shocked look.

"Are you alright?" Hester asked.

Anadil felt her heart skip a beat and tried not to look at her friend.

"Yeah." She rubbed her wrist worriedly.

It couldn't be Hester.

There was no way.

Of course not.

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