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PS. This will contain spoilers for IAWRDOE. DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T STARTED THAT YET.


Baekhyun sits on the rocking chair with Sangjun in his arms, resting on his chest. His father was humming a song for him to sleep. I took a bite of my donut and scrolled through my phone. Baekhyun brought some donuts home because I was craving for some, who would've thought taking care of a baby is exhausting? My arms hurt from carrying Sangjun all day, he's getting heavier each day and I can't believe how much milk he drinks. Breastfeeding makes my chest feel sore, I keep producing milk even when Sangjun is asleep so I tend to use breast pump so I could put the milk in a bottle as a reserve.

My brows furrowed when I saw an email in my work account. I'm currently on leave, still. It's already three months past the maternity leave given to me but I just can't leave home. My son is only 3 months old and there's no one who can take care of him since Baekhyun is busy as well. Although his mother comes from time to time to help, it's embarassing to have her take care of my child. It makes me feel less of a mother but I'm grateful for all the help I get from her since I've learned everything from her.

It's just sad that Halmoni wasn't able to see Sangjun. She passed away a a couple of weeks before I gave birth.

In the end, I filed an indefinite leave that was approved by the heads as I made a term that they can call me for help. It's just that I can't report to work everyday, but I can help track and crack codes from home.

I glanced at Baekhyun and found him busy putting Sangjun to sleep so I planned to sneak outside to make some calls but before I can even slip out of the backdoor, I heard Baekhyun call my name.

"Where are you going?" His eyes darted at me.

Why the hell is even paying attention to me? He's supposed to focus on Sangjun! I raised my phone, "Calls about work."

His forehead creased, "Can't you call here?"

I pointed our child, "He's going to wake up." I'm sorry, Sangjun-ah. Mommy needs to do her job. Before Baekhyun can even protest, I already went outside. There's an important case that arised, Sydney sent it to me just a few hours ago and I just read it now. I sighed in relief when Sydney picked up her phone after the third ring, "Fearless, I suppose you've read the new case?"

"Psh," I rolled my eyes heavenward. It's not a freaking new case, this happened before and it's shitty that it's happening again. I thought we already took care of this? "Does Hunter know already?"

Sydney sighed, "I'll call him after this call."

And until now it hasn't been resolved, so they're needing my help. "Alright." I glanced at my watch, "Headquarters in an hour."


Now I have to talk to Baekhyun about this. It's been more than half a year since we reconciled and I haven't told him of my real job, until now he possibly still thinks I shoot people for fun. Protocols, my ass. Baekhyun must know now. I turned around, about to get inside when I found Baekhyun standing behind me, he was leaning against the doorframe.

"Headquarters? In an hour? What time is it? Can't this wait until tomorrow?" His questions came consecutively.

Fucking eavesdropper. He really messes things up, right? He doesn't wait until I tell him. "Where's Sangjun?"

His lips are pressed into a thin line, "Asleep. Now, answer me." Oh, he looks hot. Does he ever get a bad looking day? If that even exists. It just seems like he looks good every time I see him and boy, I see him everyday unless he's overseas. "Sora."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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