The Night

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His affection hadn't even faded away properly and he showed up again but this was for the last time,for the last time to everyone.
An invitation for my best friend, Amber's birthday party and I was obviously going to go because I still didn't really liked to stay alone in this bungalow which never felt like home.
My occasional colour has always been black so I was dressed in a backless, knees length dress. I wore my long coat upon it as it was a December night and grabbed my shiney black purse and left for the hotel.
* * *
A few minutes later,my car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. I got out of the car and entered the hotel looking for the birthday girl. I straight walked to the club area and there I saw her,Amber. She was standing with a Cabernet in her hand, being greeted by others and busy parting. I walked in calmly and there she saw me. She came with her arms open and hugged me.
"A very happy birthday Amber" I wished " I see,you are enjoying your day"
"Thank you babe" she replied by giving me a Cabernet of wine.
She pulled me to the dance floor but I rejected because I was never into those while in a party,all I liked in a party was cigarettes and drinks. I just sat somewhere there having my favorites. Amber was enjoying her day,busy dancing, drinking and receiving wishes but she still got time for me.
"You wanna meet my boyfriend?" She asked sitting beside me.
"New boyfriend" I corrected, laughing.
"Whatever,you want to??" She asked again.
"Alright" I said.
"What the fuck is 'Alright', aren't you interested meeting him?" She said being annoyed by my answer.
"Don't you know it gets intense when I get interested in someone" I said jokingly with a smirk but I didn't know it was Soon going to come true.
"There you are" she said "let him come, I'll make you meet him"
The rest of the time we were talking about how's everything going and how our roller coasters were working. We were having our favorites but as being the birthday girl and very busy,she suddenly disappeared. I was just scrolling through my phone because I rather liked reading than socializing. After sometime,as I took away my eyes off the phone,I saw the same guy of the exhibition in a black suit,coming towards me but this time with hand in hand with Amber. I realized I needed nothing to recognize him because of his unique, blue sleepy eyes like he was on drugs but there was something else about his eyes.
"There my boyfriend comes" Amber said excitedly
"Hi, it's Dylan" he said with the Same expression he gave me that day.
"It's Charlotte" I said and took a sip of my drink.
Nither I nor he was at any plan of telling Amber that we've already met our eyes but still were strangers.
She disappeared again so I was again stuck on my phone, reading books and he was sitting just a few yards away, maybe sipping his favorite. I don't like crowded places so I decided to leave the club and go to somewhere peaceful, not my bungalow. I just walked out of the hotel without letting anyone know.
"Hey" someone called from behind.
Turning around I saw its him,Dylan.
"You left your best friend's birthday party?" He asked
"You left your girlfriend's birthday party?" I asked back
He just laughed a little and answered "actually I don't really like crowded place so-"
I interrupted "Same problem as yours that's why I just left the party"
"But were you stalking me?" I asked
"Nope,I just got out and saw you" he answered
I walked to my way
"If you don't mind,may I join you?" He asked stopping me again and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Alright" I answered.
Honestly he was very charismatic but I was the one avoiding to show that he, himself,an art touched me.
"Do you have any place to go to?" I asked "any random, peaceful place"
"Umm...........yes,there is" he said
"Just come with me" he said
I don't really like going anywhere with a stranger but when he said,I felt like let's just go an try what is it, what if it becomes a good memory. He drove me from his car to somewhere and after a few minutes he stopped. Both of us got out of the car and it was an amusement park. I felt my solitude less because unknowingly he brought me the place I've always liked to stay, looking at those kids so happy and enjoying.
"What are we gonna do here?" still I asked
"Don't you just wanna relive your childhood sometimes?" He asked looking at me
"No" I said "my childhood wasn't really that type to relive"
He just kept looking at me "wanna sit somewhere?" He asked
"Okay" I said
We sat on a bench in the that lighted park, looking at those kids who carried a big smile across their face, who were literally busy running here and there and pushing each other then I thought my childhood looked nothing like this. He was still staring at me.
"Is staring at others your hobby?" I said still looking at those playing kids
"" he said laughing "why are you looking at those kids so intense?"
"I was just trying to see my childhood in those kids but I realized my childhood looked nothing like this" I stopped because I realized I was sharing my past with a stranger.
"Sometimes you should share the unsaid words" he said "but you must be thinking I'm a stranger but I want to know you"
I turned and looked at him surprised thinking how did he even predict me.
"I'm an artist so it's my obsession of reading people" he continued
"Let's deal then,you share some of your past and I'll tell you mine" I said
"Sure" he said "so I belong from a family of business personalities" He started "my parents married each other just for their benefit in business, their marriage was more like a deal and I was a kid between all those stuff" He stopped for sometime.
"You see,at some point it feels like to stop" I said waiting for him to continue.
"Yeah" he continued "my dad was always interested in other girls rather than his wife. Once my mom and I were returning back from a vacation just because I asked for it being a stubborn 4 year-old. When we got home,dad was sleeping with another woman and my mom couldn't take it anymore so they divorced and I was the one being shared in between. Sometimes I used to stay with my mom and my step-dad and sometimes with my dad, that's it, end of my past."
"So your childhood also wasn't really good?" I said
"It was,but for a short period and that's what I try reliving and recreating as if I can change my past. My teenage was when I got my friend,art and started living by it" he answered "you wanna have some drinks?"
"Sure" I said
He then disappeared to bring some drinks. Now I feel like no stranger towards him as he became my diary in a couple of hours and I suddenly started expecting towards him that at least he won't break my trust and I really don't know why because it never happened before. As it got darker,it got colder. He came and handed me my alcoholic drinks. Now the kids weren't there anymore as the weather started getting colder as night came.
"Let's continue inside the car, it's getting colder out here" he said and I agreed
We hopped inside the car and continued. My hands were cold so I was rubbing them with each other then he suddenly grabbed them.
"Mine aren't cold,let me hold yours" he said and I couldn't say anything,I just kept staring at him.
"So now you tell about yourself" He said and it broke my eye contact.
" I'm just the daughter of a affluent business man who could buy me anything by the money he makes but not his love and time because he thinks money can buy anything" I said.
I drank a little bit of my alcohol as I was already feeling a little dizzy by whatever I had in the party. He was looking at me, waiting for me to continue.
" My mom died the same day I was born so it's her death anniversary too on my birthday and that's really bad I guess. I've never seen my mom expect on pictures."
He was paying all his attention. I forgot about everything talking to him,I even forgot about going home and I was drunk now. I didn't even realized when I finished the bottle of alcohol.
"So from being a kid to far being a woman, I've always survived alone so I don't need anyone ever I guess, that's it,end of my story"I said and I drank the left.
I was too dizzy to do anything now, even to speak. I had never been drunk like this before but with him I was careless because in a couple of hours I started trusting him like no one else but I didn't know where he was going twist it. He pulled the seat belt and attached across me. He than started driving to somewhere which I couldn't figure out because I was too dizzy.
* * *
After sometime,I couldn't open my eyes anymore but I felt him picking me up from the front seat of the car and taking me somewhere to a room. He took me down and made me stand. I couldn't stand strong so I was resting all over him and he supported me by wrapping his arms around my waist.
"You said you are strong enough to need someone but I'll make you weak today" he whispered on my ear, pulling down the chain of my dress.
"W-what are you doing?" I asked dizzy
"You'll know,soon but I can assure you it'll be fun and pleasuring" he answered
I was half-unconsious to understand anything and the last thing I felt was he slowly removing the last piece of fabric upon me and his sapphire eyes totally on me. His structured red lips touching my skin and igniting it.
"Don't break my trust because you are the only one whom I'm letting to see me and touch me this way" I said "no one else could do this before"
"Then you should worry" he said
This was the last thing I remember about that night but I'm sure that night was long. I never really knew that a stranger in just a night could bring a big inferno inside me.

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