Chapter 9: New Path

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We all woke up and it was broud daylight. "Ughh, what time is it?" Mecca yawned. I scratched my head. "Man, its gotta be like 9 in the morning." Everyone got up from their spots and looked around. "We all just crashed into an empty room." Serenity smiled. I yawned one last time, "We need to find an excape route." I said, fixing my braids. "We should split up and look for anything that could give us a way out of this wasteland." Megan rubbed her eyes. "Wait, i heard some cars drive past earlier." Serenity said pointing outside. "We could wait around and hijack a car." Mecca said. I nodded in agreement. "So if we're gonna do this, we need to figure out how many people are in that tuck." I said. "Well its a four seated Jeep. So it carries about 5 people." Megan estimated. "There's 4 of us. I can predict that around 6 o 7 o' clock, another Jeep will come carrying about 4-6 people. Most likely they'll be headed for based. If we can distract them long enough to get into the car and drive off without being heard. We'll be home free." I said, caculating. "Ok if they're going to base, shouldnt we go off in the opposite direction." Megan asked, stretching. "So what do we do now?" Mecca asked. "I guess we keep busy until then." I shrugged.

We heard someone weeping nearby so we decided to check it out. "Don't cry, Jade." I heard a boy's voice. When I turned the corner. I saw a boy and a girl around the ages of 4-5. The girl was crying and the boy was trying to comfort her. When he looked up, he had fear in his eyes. "Don't Shoot Us." He flinched. I put my gun down and mentally rolled my eyes. "I'm not a monster. I dont shoot kids." I said, calmly. The boy looked at me and back at the gun. "What are ya'll doing here?" Serenity asked. "We were running from a group of people who were trying to kill all the younger kids. We managed to hide from them and we tried to save as many kids as we could." He sobbed. Serenity looked at me sympathically. "Where the rest of em'?" Mecca asked. The boy looked at his sister then us, "We hid them in the library." He wiped his face. Serenity kneeled down the girl, "Whats wrong?" The girl looked up. She was beautiful, She has light brown hair, hazel eyes, freckles, and little dimples. Her hair was down to her stomach and in a pontail. "I wanna leave...I dont wanna die."

I felt the inside of my stomach turn. I had a soft spot for kids especially one's who were always picked to a place like this. "Where are your parents?" Megan asked. "We were ophans." The boy said. It's crazy, cause the boy looked just like his sister. He had light brown hair which were in braids going down his back med-way, hazel eye, and freckles. "Are ya'll twins?" Mecca asked, smiling . He nodded and i instantly fell in love. "Aww, Nicole. They could be your kids, ya'll look a little similar. You always was the kids type." Mecca nudged me. "Man, I'm still a thug. I love kids and all but, what i look like having two twin kids?" I said, looking at Mecca. "Dude, you can just leave them kids here. You gotta take em in. You like in a two bed room apartment, with a high income." Mecca stated. I sighed and looked back at the kids, "I guess, i'll take them in."

The boy and his sister stood up and hugged me. I was a softy for hugs. "So are you my mom?" he boy asked. "Whoa there. I aint yo momma. You call me Nic or Nicki." I said, rubbing his head. "I'm Jasper and this is my twin sister Jade. We're 6 years old." He smiled. Aww, he was so cute with his little dimples and pretty smile. Hold the fuck up. I'm a stud, we dont say these types of things. "We'e gonna get you outta here." I said, grabbing their hands. "Stay close to me." I said, leading them out the rooms. I clicked the gun as me and Mecca took the lead with Megan and Serenity following behind. We could hear kids running and we headed quickly towards the libary downstairs.

When we go there, there was about 3 more kids running around the library. "Michelle, Chris, and Eric come on." Jasper said, motioning them towards us. They immeditately run over to us when i noiced they were carrying guns. "Whoa. Whoa, where did ya'll get those?" Mecca asked. "They were protecting us. Michelle is 14, Chris is 13 and Eric is 16." Jasper ressured me. I looked at him, "Alright. here's the plan. Around 6-7 , there will another jeep coming and we can excape if you follow us." Serenity said. They all nodded and squeezed into the middle with Eric covering up the left side of me. We crept down the hall until we got to what seemed like the backyard. "An empty car!" Eric cried. I looked and it was an empty Jeep. "Looks like we're leaving early." Mecca said. I looked around and the coast was clear. "I'm going in and i'll tell you when to come." I said, taking a step out. I looked all around before making a break for the car. When i got to the car, i saw 3 men standing by a tree a little far from the car. I could tell they were unarmed because their guns were in the trunk. The jeep looked like it could hold up to 7 people.

After clearing the trunk , i looked back at the little ones. I motioned Jasper and Jade towards me. Jasper grabbed his sister's hand and ran as fast as his little feet could. When they made it to me, i kept them close by me. I motioned the next three and they ran to me. Mecca, Megan, Serenity ran on their own. We hid behind the car until the men's backs were turned to us. I had Mecca ride in the front with Me. Serenity took the left side with Megan on the right. We had put all the kids in the middle. Serenity, Mean, Eric, Mecca and I were armed in case we were caught. I started the engine and drove off without being spotted. After a few hours in the car, all the kids were sleep but, we all were wide awake. Jasper....Jade...Those two kids were my whole life. I took them in and now they were my kids. I swear i'm going to protect them with everything in me. "Nic.." Jasper called to me. "Wassup little man." I said, glimpsing at him. "Since you took us in does that mean, we're you kids..?" he asked. I swallowed spit and nodded almost crying. "Y-yea little man. I'm your new Dad..I'm protect you no matter what." I smiled through my teeth. Jasper smiled back and gave me kiss on the cheek. "I love you, Dad." He said, before falling asleep. I could feel hot tears run down my face, "I love you too.."

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