Chapter 11: Hoes Aint Trustworthy

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We pulled off into a restaurant. Something in me said this place looked too familiar. I ignored the emotion in my stomach. We waited to be seated in the restaurant and then the waiter came. Things started getting even weirder because she looked so much like Regan. The only difference was that this girl i was looking at had deep dimples and bigger thighs. "And you, Miss?" She had said to me. I snapped back to reality. "Uhh Can i have a swiss cheese burger with no onions or tomatoes." I ordered. She wrote it down on her little notepad and smiled. "Your drink, Nicole?" She asked smirking at me. "Yeah I'll have a small Samuel Adams." I said, handing her the menu. Then it hit me, "Wait hold up, did you call me Nicole?" I asked the waiter. She came back to her standing position, "Yes. Do you not remember me?"

My face went from confused to blank. "No." I answered. "You killed my twin sister Raya two days ago." She said with a straight face. "What the fuck you mean twin, i dont know you." I snapped. "I'm Regan. My sister was sent to war for me and you killed her." It smackedme hard in the face. Shit! I fucking forgot Regan had a twin sister. "What the hell is she talking about, Nicole?!" Serenity yelled at me. "Damnit yo." Mecca cussed out loud. "What's going on here?" Serenity questioned us. "I shot the wrong one.." I mumbled. "What?" Serenity raised her voice. "I shot the wrong twin! Don't t you fucking understand!?" I snapped now standing from my seat. Serenity got up as well, "Who the fuck you yellin at, bitch?!"

I felt my blood boil and my face get hot. "Watch that bitch word, yo!" I yelled back. Serenity got up in my face, "What you gonna do about it...bitch." She pushed me. I flipped out. I grabbed her arms and pushed her back but harder. We started fighting then. We ended braking a table and Serenity punched me in my face. Before i could hit her back, Mecca pulled me off and was holding me back. "Let me fucking go yo! Real fucking shit!" I yelled, trying to get to Serenity. "You a pussy ass nigga!" She shouted. My face expression changed and Mecca let me go with the same look. "Hold the fuck up? How am i a pussy ass nigga?" I said, getting up in Serenity face. "You always being lazy. You never let me near the twins. You think you all high and mighty with you hot-headed ass." She said. "I'ma pussy ass nigga right?" I said one more time. She nodded. I guess Mecca and Megan read my mind because they grabbed the kids and started heading out. "Bet." was the last word i said before brushing past her.

I forgot about Regan standing there and i started making my way to the car. Serenity was following behind me and yelling "Where the fuck you going?" I ignored her, started the car, and left her ass at the restaurant. "That's wassup, fam. Don't entertain that bitch." Mecca said, dapping me up. Megan shook her head, "What the fuck was her problem? You okay?" Megan touched my arm and i gently brushed her off. "Yeah I'm cool." I said, through my teeth. I couldn't take no more female, man. For now one, it'll be me and the twins. They are my only priority.

We got back on the road to California. For the last 2 hours, we listened to the radio, sang songs, and started telling stories. When we reached California, i dropped Megan at home, and Mecca crashed with me . I carried both twins into the house and put them in the guest room. "Man, I don't think Regan was the one who killed your parents." Mecca said. "Why you say that?" I asked, sitting on the couch. Mecca looked at me, "The look on that girl face was not the same as the ex you had. She was sweeter and seem like she wouldn't harm a fly. Maybe you've been dating Raya the whole time." Mecca said. I sat back and ran my fingers through my hair. "Man..I don't even care no more. I'm home, my address is private, im free. Ya know." I said, sighing. Mecca sighed with me, "You've been through some shit brother. I'm here no matter what." Mecca patted my shoulder.

I laughed through my hands, "you think I'm a pussy ass nigga?" I laughed. Mecca laughed then hit my shoulder. "Man hell naa. You just one nonchalant petty asshole." "Man, I'll accept that." Mecca kicked my back. "Man move. Nigga tryna get some damn sleep." She laughed. "Alright yo. Night." I daoped her up one more time before making my way upstairs. I walked into my room. I missed it so much, my bed was perfectly made from when I left, and my room was in its old state. I sighed and began undressing. I grabbed a clean towel and wash cloth from my closet. "Daddy.." Jada said, rubbing her eyes standing in my doorway. Good thing, I wasn't fully naked. I stood there in my sports bra and boxers.

I picked Jade up and kissed her forehead. "What's wrong, ma?" I said, wiping her tears. "I can't sleep." She cried. I smiled and held her little hands, "Wanna shower with daddy?"

She smiled and nodded. I ran the shower until it was hot. Jade got undressed and hopped in the shower. I put her in my lap and washed her up. "Daddy, your hair is so long." She smiled when she touched my hair. I smiled at her and watched her. "It's as long as Pocahontas. It's pretty. It has pretty colors." She was twirling it around in her tiny fingertips. I hadn't realized I was shedding tears until Jade was wiping them away. "Don't cry, Daddy." She kissed the tip of my nose. I smiled and hugged her.

We got out the shower and got dressed. I had put Jade back in the bed with Jasper who was sucking his thumb. I kissed both of their heads and headed back to my room. I heard a text go through my phone.

Bitch: So you leave me in fucking Utah Tho?

Me: You fuckin do too much. So i simply stop fucking with you.

Bitch: I command you to come get me now!

Me: Yea ared.

I deleted her number and blocked it. Before I locked my phone, i pinned my hair up and fell asleep...

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