Kieran Ivanov

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Name: Keiran Ivanov

Age: 19 (2,253)
Race: Vampire

Original Eye Color: Green
Now: Amber
Hair: Dark Blonde

Height: 5'5
Weight: 143lbs
Skin: Powdery

Mate(s): Anthony Harold

Athenodora Ivanov Volturi ~ Grandmother - Alive
William Perro ~ Grandfather - ✞ Dead ✞
Aro Volturi ~ Step Great Uncle - Alive
Marcus Volturi ~ Step Great Uncle - Alive
Caius Volturi ~ Step grandfather - Alive

Survival Intuition: The power to have knowledge in surviving.
Intuitive Aptitude: The power to instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, etc. without the need of long-term or special education.

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