cheer up for me - r.s.

715 16 4


Hiya, Ritch."

She gave the boy a weak smile, her tone sounded warm and joyful, yet her eyes told a different story. He can't help but realize the dark bags underneath it, her hair tied up to a ponytail of which unruly strands are coming out of. And her skin - drops of rosy tint weren't painted on her cheeks. Instead, being a white, pale canvas.

In conclusion, she looked dishevelled.

"God, luv'...Are you ill or somethin'?"

Ringo put both of his palms gently on top of her shaking shoulders, welcoming her inside and closed the bedroom door.
He sat her down on his bed with him, just now noticed the damp fabric of her blouse sticking to her skin, water droplets decorated the ends of her hair. The mattress of his bed squished down as she sunk inside the warmth of her boyfriend's thick blankets, still silently.

"Darlin', please say something. You're worrying me.", Ringo pouted and took her cold hands in his, giving it a squeeze for support.

Her lips trembled as she mutters something he can't quite comprehend, the smile she gave him earlier fading to a frown. And he can't describe how painful the aching in his chest was, for he'd never saw her look this upset.

"I can't hear y-"

"I failed the test.", she turned to face him, her eyes were bloodshot as she fought the tears that pleaded to spill out of them.

"B-but, I- do- I don't understand. You worked hard on that one didn't you? Pullin' all nighters an' stuff.", his voice was below a whisper, for he was afraid she'll break if he spoke too loudly.

She leant against his chest slowly, hearing his heart thumping rapidly against her ear. Smiling faintly when his hands rested on her waist, his thumb rubbing circles onto her left elbow.

"Yea' I did. I got late cos' of the rain an' got locked out of the room."


"I tried, Ritch. I really did. But my head hurted like hell, an' I was freezing there", she winced.


He didn't dare to speak, listening to every word she told him. Well, maybe he couldn't manage to understand what she said inbetween her faint tears, but he did anyways.

"B-but enough of that, I wanna' hear a happy story. Something from you."

His neck grew hot when her eyes met his, though hers had tears trickling down from them, there's still a sprinkle of the stars above that went with it. Nah, he was never a poetic person. But wow,

she is one gorgeous being.

He put a hand on her cheek and shed a tear away with his thumb, noticing the blush coming back to it as he did. This made the thumping in his chest worse than before.

"Well, honey, I don't think I have a story to tell."

She frowned again.

"Awh, naw', don't gimme' that face. You know I hate it when you're sad.", he pleaded, his rings growing warm as his fingers squeezed her hands tighter, afraid that she'll break into anothe fit of tears if he said one incorrect word.

His gaze searched around his room for something to cheer her up, landing on a teddy bear his mother owned. As she put her head in her palms again, he strolled accross the room and carried the bear towards the bed with him.


She lifted her face from her palm, eyes flickering between the bear he's holding and his face. Much to his surprise, a toothy grin began to spread across hers.

"What's this?", she giggled.

"Tis' a friend of mine.", his hand held the bear's paw and waved it up and down at her, his eagerness increased as it seems to work on her.

"Said he didn't like seeing you down and all that - right, pal?", the bear nodded it's head.

The once silent room was now filled with laughter from both of them, mostly from the girl as she had unexpectedly forgotten about what happened.

"You look adorable with him, y'know.", she chuckled, patting the bear's head with a grin.

well wasn't this shitty 🤦🏻‍♀️ hope alla you enjoy this tho, stay swaggin' peeps

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