Prologue, The Fool

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My eyes fluttered open, not remembering a thing. Where.... am I? I look around as I feel my eyes trying to stay open. I only see a small window the shows the morning red and yellow. However you are inside? Somewhere I think, I'm not exactly sure. I must see what is the other side of the of that window. I started to slowly move but my body heavy, I just need to see one, small peek... wait? What this? It seems I'm chain from my arms. The shivering touch metal chains rapped around my wrists. But it seems the chains are just rapped around and not connected to the wall or something. I squint around the room trying to use the window as my light. There's nothing? Am I.... a criminal? Did I commit a crime? If I did.... what did I do? And why don't I remember? There is something wrong and I need to find out. Now. I push my body up, still feeling heavy. My legs are shaking of the tiredness. An aching pain that suddenly hits me. I stumble across the dark room. Luckily I hit a wall the I barley hand on to. I used my little strength that I had and I reached to the window. I peeked through the wind and I saw.... My body just drop, reaching to the max but my mind panics. I was so close, I just need a little more energy. A loud a crack was coming to the window. It was a door? Maybe they can.... my sight goes blurry and only see something full of white figure that is opening the is a door. Then everything went black.


I woke up again, but even groggier from before and the headache still banging at me. This time I'm in a room full lights. Candles the only light the room. It's gives so much light either the darkness still devouring the room. I tried moving my arms and my legs but I cant. They have been pinned down with metal. I tried shaking my leg little bit but I gave up. I don't want use all up my energy again. What is going on??? where am I? And why am I tied up? I have some many questions but no answer will just come to me. I suddenly hear steps, sounds like their coming down stair? Am I underground? I tried stay calm and be prepared what it coming.. or maybe who it coming.. It was a person? A creep person that is. This person who just walked down that are probably stairs is fairly tall and thin. The first thing I see was their clothes all white and black long gloves... are they a doctor? They have sickly greenish skin and red lizard-like eyes that match a red bug pendent that they have. They have horn-like bandages on the top of their head. They had a a whiteface mask that covers their mouth. They looked at me and closed their eye that looks like their give me a creep smile.
"Who... who are you??" My mouth slipped of being curious.
"Me? You say?" They replied back. Just hearing Their voice drags my mind into fear. It was meeting my nightmares but if they where a person. They look at my eyes and closed them theirs. "Well I'm a doctor.." out of now where they got a case like thing and opened it on the table where I can't see-just the doctor.
"Doctor who?"(I see you comments fight me). They look like they where grabbing something. "Call me Doctor Valdemar" still giving out a creepy voice.. we stayed quiet for a while and I decided to speak again. "Why am I here? Why am I? How do did I get here?" They laughed creepily. "So many questions, don't we?" They brought out different shape and size of scalpels. I froze a little, not know knowing what their going to do. They just laugh, not answering my questions. "Please..... I want to know" they stopped after they heard what I said. They pulled their mask down revealing a nasty, most scariest, sharp toothed smile. My eyes widen from their smile. "Humans are so interesting... my, my, they would do anything for everything" they grabbed one of the scalpels and used it to lift my chin. Still smiling. "Patient 74, you are in my dungeon. You are a lab rat..." they pulled their mask back up. They slowly put the scalpel on my skin and scratching my skin. I shiver once again, realizing what their doing. I try quickly move around frighteningly. Panic and fear eats me quickly, tears almost coming out from my eyes. "Ah ah aha, I can't have you moving" they look at my grabbing my neck softly. " I should've don't it when you where knocked out but.." they push the scalpel down my skin stun causing it to bleed. I feel my face furrow from the pain. "We need to take some... Necessary sacrifices." They took scalpel out, I whimpered from the pain. "Not a screamer, are we? Well you will make my work just a bit easier.." they grabbed a clean piece of cloth and cleaned the scalpel.
"Let's start riiiiiight here.." they lined their finger where the left side my body.. over the hip but under my ribs. They started to push down at that spot, my hands turns to first and my feet curled as well. Cutting my skin without hesitation, slowly feel my blood flooding my skin. "Let's do it again twice for each side?" Their bloody pierced red eyes and that can freeze any person. They did again under the first cut and two more cuts on the right. Even more blood spills out. Tears falling down from my face by the agony. "Let's next go to your chest?" It's like meeting the Devil in person... no death it self.The Doctor tried to not laugh. When they start. Some quick foot steps came the stairs. "Oh Valdemar, truly saddened but Vlastomil is calling you" A woman voice spoke. The Doctor sighed and puts down the scalpel on top the now blooded white cloth. "Do mind watching Patient 74, I don't want ah accidents happening to him" she looked nervously but impatient as well. "Ooo please, I'm quite, quite hungry... the upcoming death of his waters my mouth" Are they going to eat? The Doctor just walked up stairs and had the steps disappeared. I just realized it's now my chance that I can leave. The woman was short. She has curly reddish-brown hair that pokes out from beneath her white cornette style hat, and her skin is a greyish tan similar as the Doctor. A loud noise came out of no where from her stomach. Perfect, nows my chance. "H-hey.." I tried talking but the pain is still their... " are you hungry? I... I have some food" She turns to you "f-food?" Yes, I got her attention. "Y-yes, I do... if you unchain me I can show you where" She looked away"Nononono! I can't! I must not!" So close.. I still need to try... I feel my blood becoming a puddle.. I need to think fast "I might have your favorite food?" She stay still. "Have to some fresh and juicy steak.." she jumped a little "Some finely cut pork" she whimpers...
"And for desert.... chocolate... cake" she turned back to you seeing her with a drooling mouth.. "Fine fine! But you must be quick" she unchained me and I quickly got up, pushed her to the floor and started running up stairs as I hold my sides so I don't loose anymore blood. It was a long way up. I opened a wood door. Seeing a person in red and the door of my way out. They looked at me and looked at the door. We both ran to the door... I made it first and opened the door. But they grabbed me "Leave and I will kill you!!" They said in a gruffly voice. I quickly elbow them in the stomach.They tried grabbing you again but they only got big cuts from their claws, causing you to bleed more. I start running away blindly. After awhile I stopped and looked around seeing that I'm in a town, a busy one in fact... where am I exactly?? "There you are!!" You turned around. And saw the one in red again and the hungry short woman.. I start running again but their catching up. With no chosen. I throw venders shop areas, crafts and anything to slow them down. A bunch of people are yelling at me. After awhile I don't there them yelling... but I was too scared to turn around. I continue to run as I still trying to stop the blood. I'm loosing a lot I need to think. I stopped. It looks like this is the end of the city. It's a forest.. dark, foggy like, and scary. But I have no choice. It's the only way. I ran into the forest......

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