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"Hurry, Mother! They're after us!"

Mr. Beaver burst through the door, Mrs. Beaver already getting to work with whatever it was she was doing

Fallon looked back out the door, still unsure of who'd been holding her hand, when she felt the warmth leave her palm, and she turned to see all three Pevensies looking at Mrs. Beaver, but she couldn't know which one had grabbed her out in the woods.

The howls had sent her brain completely racking, as if it were a call she couldn't refuse, as if she had to answer it go towards it. Almost as if–

"Fallon, I don't know what you're staring at, but you better get away from the window!" Mr. Beaver's voice rang through her ears, and Fallon took a step, her back pushing against something warm.

"Fall, come on, snap out of it!" Peter's voice said, and she felt as though she was being grabbed.

It took her a moment to realize she was.

Peter had placed both hands on her upper arms, turning her around to face him.

"Come on, Fallon, stop doing that!"

"What's wrong with her?"

"Slap her!"

"I'm not slapping her!"

"Well, you've got to do something!"


Fallon suddenly felt something cold against her skin, and she gasped, taking a deep breath, as if she's been held underwater for too long.

"What the hell!" She yelled, feeling the water already drying off her skin.

"It was the beaver's idea!" Peter said, though he couldn't help the sigh of relief at knowing the girl was ok.

"Do you think we'll need jam?" Susan asked, her voice curious yet somewhat calm.

"Only if the Witch serves toast," Peter commented.

Snarling and barking from outside the windows was enough to make everyone move quicker, yet Fallon had no idea what to do as she listened to the wolves.

"I– I think I can distract them," she said, a sudden sense of boldness going over her.

Everyone except the beavers stopped what they were doing.

"Are you insane?" Susan asked, staring at her as if she were an alien.

"Apparently," Fallon muttered before making her way to the door.

"Fallon, no!" Lucy yelled form behind her, going to grab the older girl's sleeve, but failing as Mr. Beaver grabbed hers instead.

"Let her go! They won't hurt her!"

Fallon didn't stop to question the beaver's words as she slammed the door behind her, the cold winter air wrapping around her like a shield.

"Hey!" She yelled, and the pack of wolves turned towards her.

Her eyes locked with one of them, and the animal's mouth curved into a sly smirk

"Well, well, well. What do we have here. Fallon. What are you doing out here, little Huntress? You think you can take us? Play hero, while my wolves go tearing your friends apart?"

The wolves had moved around her now, and she was completely surrounded.

"How do you know me?" Fallon asked, her voice coming out much more confident than she actually felt.

The wolf let out what seemed to be a laugh, but it came out more as a low growl.

"Little one, you have no idea who you actually are. Come with us. I'm sure the Queen would love to see you."

Lifeline ⤞ Peter Pevensie [Chronicles of Narnia]Where stories live. Discover now