usurp (v.): to seize and hold by force without legal weight
ardent (adj.): having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent
courtesan (n.): a high-class prostitute
meticulous (adj.): taking or showing extreme care about minute details; thorough
cordiality (n.): warmth of feeling
garish (adj.): 1. excessively ornate or elaborate; 2. dressed in or ornamental with bright colors
malevolent (adj.): wishing evil or harm to another or others; showing ill will; ill-disposed; malicious
Story: Crushed
You hate it. It drives you crazy. It grabs a hold of your heart, wrings out every drop of ardent emotion and drags you around. You feel like a courtesan, passed around the noblemen and used. It usurps your every action, dangling you from strings like a puppet-master. It is a malevolent force, throwing its weight around, and abusing its power. The pain it causes is the world's best kept secret. It is a crush.
When you see him, you smile. When you talk, you expose a comfortable cordiality. But you're careful. Your meticulous calculations never reveal your true feelings. He makes your heart pound; he steals your breath and wreaks havoc with the color of your cheeks. Yet he knows none of this. He is oblivious to every longing sigh. He never imagines the garish fantasies that weave their way through your mind.
Still, you are heartbroken when he never acknowledges you. You crumble and fall. You hurt. Men complain about friendzones; they do not see that we are caught in them as often as they are. The pain is debilitating. You fall back onto a wall and slide to the floor, tears streaking down your cheeks, unable to face the reality that has come crashing down upon you.
But you start again. You fall once more, for the same man or for a new one. You continue with the pain. You repeat the cycle, because one day the cycle will end. Someone will smile at you the same way you smile at him. You will wreak havoc on the color of his cheeks. Cordiality will crumble, and passion will flame. Because pain will always yield to one thing above all else: love.
Vocabulary Insanity
Short StorySeven vocab words every week, with the definition, and a story in which I (hopefully) use them correctly