Question(s) #11 (2 Q's!) - Happy? / HUMAN OR NO?!

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TheUnknownFreak - Ok. Hi guys! Question for Alice: Are you always happy for a specific reason? Question for Twilight: Are you a human, fairy? What are you?

Twilight: *Mimics Professor Umbrige* HEM HEM.

Alice and Anastasia: EEP! IT'S HER! QUICK, HIDE!

Twilight: ...

Alice: Oh, it's just Twilight.

Twilight: ....

Anastasia: Yeah, for a second I thought-

Twilight: We all get it, guys. Alice, answer your question first.


Twilight: *Nods*

Alice: YAY! *Sees question and the person who asked it* Hey, we used to RP on Quotev together with her!

Anastasia and Twilight: Good memories...

Alice: "Are you always happy for a specific reason?" WHAT?!

Anastasia: LOL!

Twilight: You should see your dare, Anastasia.

Anastasia: ?! ...

Alice: Okay... how do I answer this?!

Twilight: By answering it. :P

Alice: .-.

Twilight: *Groans* Why. Are. You. Always. HAPPY?!

Alice: Because I feel like it.

Anastasia: WOW! I need to do that more often!

Alice: Be more happy?

Anastasia: No, to say, "Because I feel like it"!

Twilight:Do you wanna hear my question? It's, "Are you a human, fairy? What are you?"

Alice and Anastasia: *Dramatic gasp*

Alice: I-

Anastasia: DON'T-

Alice and Anastasia: KNOW!

Twilight: You've got to be kidding me.

Alice: But we don't know!

Twilight: 0_0

Anastasia: C'mon, Twi, don't give us that look...

Twilight: *Sighs* I am a normal person. That apparently has wings. So yeah. I am a human. *Points at the sky* A HUMAN! And a PFUDOR. (According to my comment in the last chapter.)

Alice: ...dundundun.

Anastasia: Woooooow. So dramatic. And you're NOT a PFUDOR, Twi.

Alice: -_- Yeah, Anastasia. So dramatically dramatic. And yet true.

Anastasia: *Looks around proudly* I know. I'm so amazing for just pointing that out right know.

Twilight: I hope you aren't serious.

Alice: She is.

Twilight: Uh... Okay?

Anastasia: So...

Twilight: Does it count if I can change into Willow? What is that, a... morpher?

Anastasia: *Pats Twilight on the back* You'll never learn, Twilight. You'll never learn.

Twilight: *Looks down* How are you standing on your tail?!

Alice: *Snaps fingers, and Anastasia falls on her face*

Anastasia: OOF!


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