My Dark Angel

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When I said this was a good as things were going to get, I didn't know I would soon be eating my words. Because things got bad. And they got bad fast.

After walking for a little while I realized I was being followed. A group of four men were trailing behind me laughing. I quickened my pace. These guys gave me a terrible feeling and I didn't like it one bit.

They walked faster as well. Ok, now I was in trouble. One of them spoke to me.


Hey sweetie! Why don't ya come over here and play with us?!?" His buddies laughed loud. Ok. They were obviously drunk. Possibly high to. BAD combination. Especially for a weak thirteen year old.

I shivered. This spelled "last night of your life" in my head in clear letters. I turned a corner hoping to get away from the men.

The dead end was like a smack. I could only stare in shock and horror at it. My first night of freedom, and it wouldn't last? I felt a tear run down my face and I growled in frustration. I'd fight till my last breath.

When they came around the corner I turned. They all looked scuffed up with superior looks on their faces. The next moments blurred for me.

I ran forward and tried lading blows. Kicking and puching, clawing with my nails. But eventually I got grabbed. Two of the men held me down while the other two began to viciously beat me.

I could hear my moans as if from a distance. It hurt SO bad. The pain was almost unbearble. This is is, small voice whispered i my head. Your going to die. Then a dark shadow passed overhead.

I felt a sharper pain in my head and realized id been dropped to the ground. I could hear the men groaning in pain from someone knoking out their lights. But who?

Suddenly a head passed in my line of vision. I gasped beause he was one of the most beautiful things i had ever seen. His halo of dark hair wreathed his kind but stern looking face. His eyes were pure white, and there were black circles around them.

He's got to be an angel, i though. My own dark angel, come to take me to whatever life comes after this. I closed my eyes and relaxed as he picked me up. He was moving fast through the night and when i blacked out, i had no worries at all.

Ok so not my best work. But i tried! The next chaper should be up soon. ill be WAY better than this. Ive finlly gotten myself on track and the ideas are flowing like a fountain once more!

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