Chapter 18: The Battle at the Castle

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Merida's pov:

Whisp and I flew faster and faster to the village, we landed at the front gate "Stay hidden, Whisp." I said to her. I ran to the town square only to find my father in the back of a carriage and locked up tight. "Let my father go!" I shouted at the owner. "We can't do that miss, but we'll take care of him." the owner said, cruelly. I knew where they would take him, a mad house for only crazy people "My father's not crazy!" I shouted. It wasn't until Hans came out of the crowd that was witnessing this madness.

Hans: "But Merida, your father has been raving about a castle with a dragon and that you were a prisoner there."  

Merida: "I've just come from the castle and there is a dragon, well half dragon."

Hans: "You would say anything to free him. Your word is hardly proof."

Merida: "Oh, you want proof? I'll give you proof. (Looks at the mirror) SHOW ME THE PRINCE!"

The mirror showed an image of Hiccup and I showed it to the entire village "There's your proof Hans!" I said. However, I saw an evil look in Hans eye as he looked at Hiccup and snatched the mirror out of my hands. He started to make the villagers believe that Hiccup was dangerous "You don't need to be afraid, he's gentle, kind and has the purest heart." I explained. "This beast must her under a spell. If I didn't know any better I say you actual care about this monster!" threaten Hans. Now I was really mad "HICCUP'S NOT A MONSTER, YOU ARE!" I shouted at Hans. Hans ordered his men to lock me up with my father to keep me from warning Hiccup "YOU'LL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS HANS!" I shouted. "Oh, I believe I have." he said smugly. 

He had rallied the villagers to help kill Hiccup "This creature will curse us all if we don't stop him. WELL, I SAY, WE KILL THE DRAGON!" he ordered. Soon the entire village (except Gobber) were with Hans.


We're not safe until he's dead


He'll come stalking us at night


Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite


He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free


So it's time to take some action, boys

It's time to follow me

Through the mist, through the woods

Through the darkness and the shadows

It's a nightmare, but it's one exciting ride

Say a prayer, then we're there

At the drawbridge of a castle

And there's something truly terrible inside

It's a dragon he's got fangs, razor sharp ones

Massive paws, killer claws for the feast

Hear him roar, see him foam

But we're not coming home 'til he's dead

Good and dead


Kill the Dragon


Light your torch, mount your horse


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