Bar Fights

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Bludhaven | Saturday - 11:47 PM

Officer Grayson drove down fourth street, slowly making his way down the lane, taking the time to check civilians speeds and stores he passed.

"We've got a fight in Neonz Club on second. Anyone wanna get that?" Dispatch announced.

Grayson snorted at the last part, before chiming in. "Roger, dispatch. I'm currently on fourth, about to now cross into second. I'll get em'."

Putting the Mic back, he sped off onto second, and drove toward Neonz. It was easy to spot. As the name suggested, it's decor was flashy lights and colours. Loud music played in the background, and cheers were heard in it.

The officer parked, before stepping out of his car. He made his way inside the building, and imeditatly saw the brawl going on.

Tables were turned, and glass was shattered. Even as he walked toward the crowed, he felt the glass crunch under his steps.

People were all agasint the walls, yelling and cheering, as eight men were swinging fists.

The officer recognized four of them.





The man growled, before raising his gun out of its holster. He pointed it up, and fired three times. He did this, because he knew that he couldn't go in with a good outcome. Namely Conner.

The gunshots made everyone go silent, and made Roy stop before he punched a long, brown haired, and blue eyed man in the face. It made Conner stop struggling agasint Kalder, who was trying to hold him back, and it made the other two men stop wrestling with Wally on the floor.

They all looked over, to see Officer Grayson, gun pointed straight up, with a scowl on his face, and blue eyes blazing.

The cop holstered his gun. "Lets go." He growled, but it was a order.

BPD - 12:21 AM

"And that's how it happened..." Wally finished. They were all sitting in a dark room, with a table and chairs around it, which they occupied. They split up away from the four other men.

It was silent for a minute, as Officer Grayson stood there with his arms crossed, in thought. Finally though, he spoke.

"You'll be let off with a warning. The other four will most likely be put in jail for a few days, since this is their second time. Along with your warning, you'll be banned from the club."

Kalder was about to speak, most likely a thank you, but was cut off by Artemis coming in, with a buzzed Megan.

"Heeeeey~ g~uyyyys! Ya know somethin? That place- hmphg- is niiiiice." She smiled brightly. Artemis was smirking, trying to contain her giggles.

"And- hmphg- that- that uh... uhhhh..." she trailed. "Soda." Arty supplied. "SODA! That soda-aaaa~ its... it's greeeaat." Megan said drunkenly.

Conner was stunned. Wally was bursting in laughter, Roy following. Kalder shook his head in shame at his team. All while Officer Grayson scowled, before sighing.

"Get outta here, you hoodlums." He smirked.


Right.... nothing to really say.

I don't proof read...



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