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I stood off to the side, hand sliding closer to the gun on my hip. My eyes met the other officers stationed at the sides of the mayor, cautious and somber. The wind was cold as it slipped between those huddled around. It whipped between the city's buildings with an eerie howl off in the distance, which rattled my heart in my ribcage. A sigh escaped my lips and I ran a hand over my tear stained face, wiping it dry. Which didn't matter much, more tears joined not but a few seconds later. A small sob escaped my lips and I shook my head. The sun hid its face behind the clouds, rain threatening to fall soon too. Lined along the front of the masses of people, shoved shoulder to shoulder, pouring out the entrances and exits of the venue, were the ninja, clothed from head to toe in black. One was missing among those lined up, found instead in the casket before them.

All was silent in the large outdoor amphitheater where often people had gathered to rejoice. Yet today, it was reduced and made to be a place of darkness and grief. Where people had stood weeks ago, cheering to see a concert or were gathered to hear an important announcement from the mayor now was crowded by those adorned in black and broken by tears.

Tears and clenched fists were common among the group, the family, staining their eyes and faces red and blotchy. My heart ached for them as they ached for the one who had been ripped so suddenly from their lives. It wasn't something expected, as death often is not, yet for someone so young, it came as even more of a shock.

This ache was familiar to me. It was deep and burrowed and only unfurled itself on my worst days and the days which I remember with tissues and broken sobs. It made my hands shake and vicious image flash against the back of my eyelids when I blinked. I took a deep breath in, then out again to settle myself. Somewhat.

The stage was lined with red flowers and beautiful red flower petals, like drops of blood staining a deep black background. Each in turn, the ninja turned to place a single red rose onto the casket, their movements slow and somber.

Two lingered longer than the rest: her lover and her brother.

Her lover placed his rose on the casket, his ginger hair falling into his eyes as his frame shook under the weight of his broken heart. He struggled to stay standing, his knees buckling under him and he fell, a small splash of water kicking up. Another came to help him up and console his broken heart with a hand on his shoulder and soft words whispered to him. I wonder what he could whisper to her lover that could console him. I knew that there was likely nothing now or ever that could fix his shattered heart.

The rain seemed to taunt us, as the Master of Water had been swept away from those who loved her. It was as if she still looked down on those who remained when she herself couldn't raining down a drizzle as a reminder of what she stood for. I welcomed it.

Her brother stood with all eyes on him. My hand found it's way to the gun holstered on my side as his fists clenched and he went stiff. Flames flickered in his hands and smoke rose around his feet as the water sizzled and the flooring burned, yet fell quiet in a puff of smoke as he cried at his sister's casket.

He was brave.

I glanced over to my right, my partner with her bright red hair also staring down at the Master of Fire. A split second later she caught my eye, her own gaze misty and clouded. I reached over and squeezed her arm reassuringly and forced a smile. It wasn't sincere, and she knew it.

I turned back to the service, watched as he put the last rose on her casket as final words were muttered in honor of Nya Smith. Each of the ninja filed away, and my eyes found the brother, who absently reaches towards to casket with a trembling hand. He shook his head and growled at his teammate when a caring and comforting hand was placed on his shoulder. My heart seemed to skip a beat as he snatched himself away, anger and resentment glowing in his eyes, a vicious tangle of emotions which could lead to horrible choices.

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