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I took Kai's arm and looped it through mine as we made our way slowly down the back alley, my free hand finding the gun on my side just to make sure it was still there.

"Left here." He grumbled and I pulled him along with me. I left him leaning up against a cold stone wall before peeking my head out into the street to check to see if the coast was clear. I grabbed him and we hobbled into the closed library after a swift kick to the door.

Kai lit a hand to give us light as I followed him to a computer hidden from the giant windows on the front of the building. He slid into the seat and I handed him the duck with the stolen information.

He booted up the computer and quickly got to work skimming through the files to find the information we were looking for. I leaned over his shoulder and watched, making sure he didn't miss anything. Our heads snapped up and to the right as a sharp bang interrupted the midnight quiet of the library. Unholstering my gun, I nodded to him and crept to check on what it was that made the sound. Kai clacked away at the keyboard, deep in thought as I moved, gun pointed ahead of me.

I frowned, watching as she slid out of the room. Something nagged at the back of my head, something she had said a while back when we first met. A glance to my right proved her no where in sight and I pulled up a google search tab before typing in her first and last name.

I squinted my eyes and scrolled through the first result, an article. I recoiled and scoffed, shock taking hold of me.

"It was just the heat pump turning on." I came announced, entering the man computer room where Kai quickly clicked closed a tab and turned the screen to me.

"I've got something." He tapped the screen with a finger and cast me a smirk. "They've moved the Crystal to Chen's old island." He leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms and propping his feet up on the desk.

"The old maniac who wanted to resurrect the Anacondrai?"

"Yeah." Kai winked at me, to which I just raised an eyebrow. "Get this; it's uninhabited now and they just left it there thinking it would be fine."

"Get this, hot head; they know we're going there since someone tried to steal it from Borg's." With my hand, I pulled his feet off the desk and leveled him with a look.

He huffed and shook his head. "Nah. It'll be fine, sweets." Kai stood and glanced out the windows before sliding his arm into mine. "We'll set sail tomorrow at dawn."

"You sure you wanna do this...? There's no promise that we can bring Nya back." I questioned, helping him outside.

I flinched when he stopped suddenly, jerking me back a little. "I'm sure I want to do this. This is coming from the one who went crazy for a while after she killed her parents and brother."

I recoiled and pulled away from him, hands curling into fists as my heart thundered in my ears. "What?" I hissed, anger and confusion and hurt lingering on my words. "Who told you that?"

Kai scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "It was all over the news a few years ago, I just didn't know it was you."

"That's what you did on the computer in there?" I pointed angrily at the library. It took all my strength and willpower to not do something I would later regret.

"You can't possibly understand what happened and why I did the things I did."

"You almost killed someone!" He yelled, voice reverberating off the surrounding buildings.

My hand found my gun at my side but I pulled it away quickly, as if it burned. I clenched my teeth together and willed myself to calm. "Don't you dare say things like that when you don't even know what happened." I snapped at him and for a moment I saw hurt flash in his eyes. "You know nothing. You don't know who I am or what my story is, Kai, and you've never bothered to ask or get to know me. So don't even try to act like you know what happened!" Tears blurred the edges of my vision as I shoved him to the ground in anger.

I watched through a blurry lens as sparks flew at his finger tips. "You don't know who I am." I whispered, my voice hoarse and gravelly.

Full of anger and betrayal, I pushed past him as he tried to stand which knocked him down again with a groan. I ran all the way back to the old shed I had awoken in nearly a week ago. I slammed my fists into my knees as I let the tears pour down my face, the hurt and pain of betrayal stabbing like a knife in my heart.

I trusted him. How could he go behind my back and learn about the one thing I wasn't ready to tell him yet?

My head pounded and ached hours later, eyes dry and sore from my fit. My head rested on my arms, held by my legs pulled close to me. I had slipped in and out of sleep for hours on end, the dawn coming to taunt me later.

My eyes fluttered opened as the door to the shed creaked as someone opened it. I dared look up, my eyes meeting Kai's, which were as blood shot as mine. I narrowed my eyes, the wounds he inflicted on my heart coming to seep open again. Silent, he slid down to sit next to me, a foot or so between us. I watched in silence as he redid his bandages and then looked at his hands with a sigh.

"I know..." He started and huffed, stopping short before trying again, "I know it might not mean much and it won't make up for what I did, but I'm sorry I snooped. I was curious and selfish, not knowing that it could inflict so much pain on you." He clenched his hands into fists and closed his eyes tight. "I shouldn't have and I shouldn't have let you go off on your own without trying to say something."

I unfurled myself, rubbing my face with a hand. "I swear, I was going to tell you, I just needed time. I wish you would have just been patient with it and heard the story from me rather than what everyone else said about it." I cast my eyes down, afraid to meet his. "I'm not a bad person. I mean- I hope. I agreed to help you with this because I know what grief can turn someone into. And I would give anything for anyone or to experience all the horrible things I went through in my grieving." Taking a shaky breath in, I laid my hand out beside me, palm up. "You probably don't even trust me anymore." I said with a half hearted laugh.

My eyes lifted to his as he took my hand in his and smirked. "You can't get rid of me that easy, doll." He slid closer to me, lacing his finger with mine. "I'm ready to listen if you're ready to tell."

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